Chair of Organisation, Human Resource Management and Innovation Management

Course Programme at a Glance:


Human Resources and Organisation

Organisation is the sub-discipline of business administration that deals with approaches and methods of division of labour and coordination. Business tasks are differentiated into subtasks in order to achieve economies of scale. The employees responsible for the subtasks are then coordinated by organisational instruments. The sub-discipline of human resource management deals in particular with the coordination of the employees, in a situation-orientated way. The aim of the course is to provide an initial insight into the theoretical approaches and instruments of organisation and human resource management.

The lecture (2 SWS) is complemented by an obligatory tutorial (1 SWS).

Organisational Economics

This course is part of general business administration. It deals with how internal and inter-company organisational structures and coordination can be analysed and designed on the basis of economic approaches of organisational theory. The situational requirements of strategic management and innovation management are analysed.

The lecture (2 SWS) is complemented by an obligatory tutorial (1 SWS).

Approaches to Organisational Theory

The Special Business Administration (SBWL) "Organisation and Human Resource Management" course is intended to teach students the ability to design organisational structures and coordination processes in a situation-oriented manner. The foundations for this are provided by economic, behavioural and social science approaches to organisational theory. The course "Approaches to Organisational Theory" introduces students to these fundamentals. In detail, these are transaction cost approach, agency theory, property rights theory, contingency approach, consistency approach, organisational culture, resource dependence approach, etc.

Human Resource Management

This course is part of the SBWL and covers theoretical approaches and management instruments in the following fields of human resource management: leadership, remuneration, human resource needs, human resource deployment, etc.

Integrating Management Approaches

This course is part of the SBWL and brings together economic, behavioural and social science organizational theories in the fields of strategic management, innovation management, international management and organizational development.

Case Studies in Strategic Management

This course (2 SWS) is part of the SBWL programme. It starts with lectures on applying instruments of Organization and Human Resource Management according to the strategic situation of a company. It continues with assisted group work in which the students have to analyze if companies that are described in case studies behave according to the principles of Strategic Management. Finally, the groups present and discuss their results.

The course will be held in English. The group presentations have to be held in English. The answers in the written exam can be given in German or English.

Repetitorium/Scientific Work

This course takes place every semester. Particularly demanding sections of all SBWL lectures are repeated. There is also an introduction to scientific work, which is a prerequisite for writing seminar papers and theses at the chair.


Seminar Organisation and Human Resource Management


This seminar is aimed at Bachelor, Diploma and Master students who would like to write their thesis at the Chair of Organisation, Human Resource Management and Innovation Management.

Registration takes place at the end of the lecture period of the previous semester; please look out for the corresponding announcements on the chair's homepage in January (for the seminar in the summer semester) and in June/July (for the seminar in the winter semester).


General Information

During the seminar you are required to independently write a scientific paper on a topic in the field of the chair's denomination and to present and defend it in a block event. Admission requirements must be met (see below). Successful completion of the seminar is a prerequisite for writing a thesis at our chair.

If a seminar of the chair has already been successfully completed in a Bachelor's degree programme, no further seminar participation is required to register for a Master's thesis.


Admission Requirements

Admission requirements for Bachelor students:

  • Passed examination "Human Resources and Organization" (Personal und Organisation)
  • Completion of the lecture „Organizational Economics" (Organisationsökonomie) or the the SBWL module "Organizational Economics and Human Resources" (Organisations- und Personalökonomie)

Admission requirements for Diploma students:

  • Completed intermediate diploma (Vordiplom)
  • Completion of the SBWL module "Organizational Economics and Human Resources" (Organisations- und Personalökonomie)

Admission requirements for Master students:

  • Completion of the SBWL module "Organizational Economics and Human Resources" (Organisations- und Personalökonomie)


Knowledge that we require when your supervision begins:

  • Contents of Merkblatts zum Verfassen wissenschaftlicher Arbeiten (German only)
  • Content of the tutorial on academic writing in the lecture "Repetitorium/Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten", which takes place every semester. You will be informed in time via Moodle about the timing of this tutorial.


Registration and Procedure

Registration for the seminar takes place towards the end of the previous semester. Please note the corresponding announcements on the homepage of the chair. There you will also find information on the organisation of the seminar.