Studying law and economics in Greifswald

Information on Studying at the Faculty for Prospective Students with Foreign Education Certificates
Courses are taught in German.
Required language proficiency in German: C1
Doctorates are also possible in English.
As tuition is mainly in German, students studying undergraduate and postgraduate degree courses (State Examination, Bachelor, Diplom, Master) at the Faculty must be proficient in German at a level of at least C1.
This is not the case for doctoral studies Both the doctoral thesis and the defence can be completed in English if this has been agreed with the respective professor.
Undergraduate Degree Courses
Required language proficiency in German: C1
Our Faculty offers the following undergraduate degrees:
- Law (Staatsexamen - State Examination)
- Business Administration (Bachelor of Science or Diplom)
- Management and Law (Bachelor of Science)
Postgraduate Degree Courses
Required language proficiency in German: C1
Our Faculty offers the following undergraduate degrees:
- Health Care Management (Master of Science)
- Business Administration (Master of Science)
The following doctoral titles can be obtained:
- Dr. jur. (Law)
- Dr. rer. pol. (Economics and Business Administration).
Both the doctoral thesis and the defence can be completed in English if this has been agreed with the respective professor.
Entry Requirements for Applicants with Foreign Education Certificates
To gain admission to the University, applicants require a higher education entrance qualification that is recognised in Germany.
The ANABIN certificate database provides information on the evaluation of foreign education certificates and helps to compare your foreign qualification with the German education system.
Enrolment is only possible during the enrolment periods. Therefore, please submit your enrolment request as soon as possible.
Entry Requirements for Applicants with Foreign University Degrees
Your access point to German universities
Foreign applicants or German applicants with foreign university degrees generally need to have their qualifications examined to ascertain whether they are considered equal when compared to degrees gained in Germany. Applications for study places must be sent to UNI-ASSIST.
Enrolment is only possible during the enrolment periods. Therefore, please submit your enrolment request as soon as possible.
UNI-ASSIST evaluates applications from international student applicants for 180 German universities. We evaluate your certificates and show you the way.
German Courses
The University offers a German course for students who meet all of the requirements for studying at our University except the required level of proficiency in German. The course can provide you with the necessary language skills for a regular study place.
Preparatory Courses - Studienkolleg
Applicants who do not meet the requirements for higher education can attend a preparatory course (mathematics etc.) to try to gain the required qualifications.
Plan your Period of Stay in Greifswald
Whether you would like to do a full degree, exchange or doctoral studies, or you would like to teach at the University of Greifswald, International Office will be pleased to provide you with the answers to your questions.
Come to Greifswald and experience tradition, good study conditions and the perfect position next to the Baltic Sea!
The International Office is Your Central Point of Contact.
The International Office advises and provides information to foreign prospective students and is responsible for their admission. Foreign students receive support for any study-related, legal or social matters.