PD Dr. jur. habil. Christine Morgenstern
Since May 12, 2021 Professor of Criminal Law and Gender Studies in the Department of Law at Freie Universität Berlin
Further information:
Prof. Dr. Christine Morgenstern
Main Research Interests
- Fundamental and human rights in the administration of criminal justice, especially in criminal proceedings and the penitentiary system (Access to Justice)
- Gender and criminal law
- Europeanization of criminal justice
Teaching 2006 - 2018
- Criminal Law (basic and advanced)
- Criminal Procedure
- European harmonization of Criminal Procedure
- Criminal Sanctions and Sentencing Law
- Criminology
- Juvenile Justice
Publications 2014 - 2018
- Commentary on the provisions on preventive detention - § 66 StGB (together with T. Ullenbruch und K. Drenkhahn), § 66a StGB (together with T. Ullenbruch) and § 66c StGB (together with K. Drenkhahn) (2016), in: Joecks, W., Miebach, K. (ed.): Münchener Kommentar zum StGB, Band 2, 3. Aufl., München: C. H. Beck.
- Morgenstern, C. (2016): Was sind eigentlich „wirksame, verhältnismäßige und abschreckende“ Strafen? Einige Überlegungen zur europäischen Kriminalpolitik und zur Rolle der Kriminologie. In Neubacher, F., Bögelein, N. (ed.): Krise – Kriminalität – Kriminologie. Möchengladbach. Forum Verlag, pp. 103-116.
- Morgenstern, C. (2016): Die Anrechnung von Auslandshaft nach § 51 Abs. 3 u. 4 StGB und die Frage der Haftbedingungen. Strafverteidiger, pp. 395-399 (reprinted in lichtblick, Gefangenenzeitung der JVA Berlin-Tegel, 2/2016)
- Morgenstern, C. (2016): Examensklausur Strafrecht. „Sport ist Mord? Ein Wasserballspiel und die Folgen.“ Juristische Ausbildung (JURA) 38, pp. 686-696.
- Morgenstern, C. (2016): Der Anwesenheitsgrundsatz und die Sistierhaft nach § 230 Abs. 2 StPO. Juristische Rundschau, pp. 237-240.
- Kromrey, H., Morgenstern, C. (2014): Auslieferung bei drohender lebenslanger Freiheitsstrafe ohne Aussetzungsmöglichkeit. Zeitschrift für Internationale Strafrechtsdogmatik (ZIS), pp. 704-716 (www.zis-online.com).
- Morgenstern, C. (2014): Ein Recht auf Hoffnung aus Art. 3 EMRK: Lebenslange Freiheitsstrafen in Europa. Rechtswissenschaft, pp. 153-188.
- Morgenstern, C. (2014): Die Europäische Überwachungsanordnung - Überkomplexes Ungetüm oder sinnvolles Instrument zur Untersuchungshaftvermeidung von Ausländern? Zeitschrift für Internationale Strafrechtsdogmatik (ZIS), pp. 216-235 (www.zis-online.com).
- Morgenstern, C. (2013): Verfassungs- und europarechtliche Vorgaben für den Untersuchungshaftvollzug – zugleich Anmerkung zu BVerfG, Beschl. v. 17.11.2012 2 BvR 736/11. Strafverteidiger 33, pp. 529-534.
- Morgenstern, C. (2013): Vollstreckungshilfe (§ 15). In: Böse, M. (ed.): Europäisches Strafrecht. Band 9 der Enzyklopädie Europarecht. Baden-Baden: Nomos, pp. 573-610.
- Drenkhahn, K, Morgenstern, C. (2015): A European Perspective on Inmates' Perceptions of Safety, in: Reeves, C. (ed.): Experiencing Imprisonment: research on the experience of living and working in carceral institutions. London, Routledge, pp. 137-155.
- Morgenstern, C. (2015): „Der Resozialisierungsgrundsatz“ – Social Reintegration as the dominant narrative for community punishment in Germany? In Robinson, G., McNeill, F. (ed.): Community Punishment. A European Perspective. London, Routledge, pp. 72-94.
- Morgenstern, C. (2015): Conditional release in Germany – who decides? And who really does? In Herzog-Evans, M. (ed.) Offender Release and Supervision: The Role of Courts and the use of Discretion, Nijmegen, Wolf Legal Publishers, pp. 109-135.
- Morgenstern, C., Robinson, G. (2014): Consent and cooperation of the unfree: Introduction to the special issue. European Journal of Probation 6, pp. 203-208.
- Morgenstern, C. (2014): Alternatives to Pre-trial Detention. In: Bruinsma, G., Weisburd, D. (ed.): Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Heidelberg u.a.: Springer, pp. 68-75.
- Morgenstern, C., van Zyl Smit, D. (2014): International Human Rights Standards and Community Sanctions. In: Bruinsma, G., Weisburd, D. (ed.): Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice. Heidelberg u.a.: Springer, pp. 2614-2623.
- Morgenstern, C. Larrauri, E. (2013): European Norms, Policy and Practice. In: McNeill, F., Beyens, K. (ed.): Offender Supervision in Europe. Basingstoke: Palgrave McMillan, pp. 125-154.
Presentations 2012 - 2018
- Probation: European norms and values related to human rights. Confederation of European Probation, International Conference on “Alternatives to Detention”, 6.-7. 10.2016, Bukarest, Romania (plenary talk upon invitation).
- Criminology and Human Rights. 16th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology, Münster, 21.-24.9.2016.
- Der Grundrechtsschutz in der justiziellen Zusammenarbeit in Europa – Probleme bei der grenzüberschreitenden Strafverfolgung und –vollstreckung. Arbeitskreis Europäisches Strafrecht, Frankfurt 23.-24.6.2016 (plenary talk upon invitation).
- Common wisdom? European norms and values for offender supervision. Bridging Research, Policy and Practice – COST Action Offender Supervision in Europe, Final conference, Brussels, 11-12 March 2016 (plenary talk upon invitation).
- Was sind eigentlich „wirksame, verhältnismäßige und abschreckende“ Strafen? Einige Überlegungen zur europäischen Kriminalpolitik und zur Rolle der Kriminologie. 14. Tagung der Kriminologischen Gesellschaft in Cologne, 24.-26.9.2015.
- Legitimacy, Fairness and Justice in the Breach Process: European Perspectives. 15th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology, Porto, Portugal, 2.-5.9.2015.
- Collateral Punishment – State Interventions in the Pre-trial Phase. 15th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology, Porto, Portugal, 2.-5.9.2015.
- Social Reintegration as the dominant narrative for community punishment in Germany? 14th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology, Prague, Czech Republic, 10.-14.9.2014.
- Judicial Control of Prisons in Germany. 14th Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology, Prague, Czech Republic, 10.-14.9.2014 (together with F. Dünkel).
- Mental disorder and dangerousness – exploiting psychiatric diagnosis in the Criminal Justice System. 12th Conference of the European Society of Criminology, Bilbao, Spain, 12.-15.9.2012.
Curriculum Vitae
- 1986-1993: Legal studies at the Albecht-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg/Germany; Universität Hamburg and and Universidad San Sebastian/Bilbao, Spain
- June 1993 First State Exam in Freiburg
- 1993 Internship at the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Branch, Vienna
- 1995-1997: Trainee Lawyer (Referendarin) at the Higher Regional Court in Rostock, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
- April 1997: Second State Exam in Rostock
- 1994-2002: Researcher at the Department of Criminology and Criminal Law (Prof. Dünkel) at the University of Greifswald
- 2002: Doctor Iuris, doctoral thesis: “International standards Community Sanctions and Measures”; University Award
- 2003-2006: Researcher at the Department of Criminology at the University Greifswald: projects “Mare-Balticum Prison Survey” and “Mare Balticum: Punitivity and the explanation of Prisoner Rates in Germany“
- 2007-2011: Researcher at the Department of Criminology at the University of Greifswald - 2007-2009 project leader: „An analysis of minimum standards in pre-trial detention and the grounds for regular review in the Member States of the EU” (Cooperation with University of Tilburg)
- 2012-2016: Habilitation project, full-time position grant awarded by the German Research Foundation (DFG)
- Juni 2016 Habilitation, thesis on pre-trial detention in Europe („Die Untersuchungshaft. Eine Untersuchung unter rechtsdogmatischen, kriminologischen, rechtsvergleichenden und europarechtlichen Aspekten“), venia legendi: Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, Criminology, European Criminal Law and Comparative Criminal Justice
- since Juli 2016 Privatdozentin, scientific co-coordinator: „Towards pre-trial detention as ultima ratio“ (funded by the European Commission), together with Dr. Walter Hammerschick, Vienna
- summer semester 2017 and winter semester 2017/1018: visiting professor of criminal law at Free University of Berlin