Chair of Organisation, Human Resource Management and Innovation Management
Information on Examinations
Types of Exams
Examination dates: The chair's examination dates are planned and communicated by the Central Examination Office. As soon as the dates are fixed, you can access them via your online portal (HIS).
Previous exams: Previous exam papers can be accessed via the Nextcloud "Klausurenpool".
Requests for early exam corrections: Exams are generally corrected by the chair as quickly as possible. In well-founded exceptional cases (please enclose evidence), a request for early correction can be submitted by e-mail to the chair's secretary's office no later than 14 days before the examination date.
ABWL Diploma
In the oral ABWL examination, all ABWL subjects are relevant to the examination.
The following literature is recommended for preparation:
• Wöhe, Günter; Döring, Ulf (2010), Einführung in die Allgemeine Betriebswirtschaftslehre, 24. Aufl., München 2010
• Lecture notes "Organisational Economics"
Other Oral Examinations (B.A., M.A., etc.)
The exam is held in accordance with university examination regulations. It is not possible to limit the material in advance beyond the provisions of the respective examination regulations. For further information you may wish to consult the Examination Office.
The chair offers seminars (term paper + presentation) for Bachelor, Diploma and Master students.
Bachelor's, Master's and Diploma theses can be written at the Chair.
Further information on the application process and writing academic papers can be found in the Merkblatt zum wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten (German only).