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- Investment Externalities, Bank Liquidity Creation, and Bank Failures, Journal of Economics, forthcoming, with U. Vollmer (Link).
- On the Instability of Private Intertemporal Liquidity Provision, Economics Letters, 2021, Vol. 209, 110117, with T. Gehrig (Link).
- Interbank Borrowing and Lending Between Financially Constrained Banks, Economic Theory, 2020, Vol. 70(2), 347–385, with A. Hauck (Link).
- Debt Constraints and Monetary Policy, Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2020, Vol. 87, 31-42., with J. K. Shin & M. Tvede (Link).
- Implications of Bank Regulation for Loan Supply and Bank Stability, European Journal of Finance, 2019, Vol. 25(16), 1527-1550, with M. Bucher & A. Hauck (Link).
- Bank Capital Regulation, Loan Contracts, and Corporate Investment, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 2014, Vol. 54(2), 230-241, with A. Hauck (Link).
- International Banking and Liquidity Allocation: Cross-border Financial Services versus Multinational Banking, Journal of Financial Services Research, 2010, Vol. 37(1), 45-69, with U. Vollmer (Link).
- Asset Tangibility and Capital Allocation, Journal of Corporate Finance, 2007, Vol. 13(5), 995-1007 (Link).