Research - Monetary Economics

Diemo Dietrich’s profile on Ideas


Primary research interests lie in the areas of Financial Stability, Banking & Banking Regulation, (digital) Currencies, and Corporate Finance. We use ideas primarily from information economics and game theory (e.g., contracts, coordination games, cheap talk) as well as dynamic macroeconomics (overlapping generations economies).

The current research focuses on liquidity creation by banks and aims at gaining a better understanding of its macroeconomic and policy implications.


  • Effects of regulating bank liquidity and bank capital on bank behaviour and corporate investment
  • Implications of financial frictions for aggregate credit supply and financial stability
  • Monetary policy in the presence of financial frictions
  • Boundaries of the firm arising from frictions in financial contracting

Working Papers:

Cong, L.W., M. Campello and D. Dietrich (2024), Regulatory Uncertainty and FinTech Innovation, available at SSRN.

Dietrich, D und T Gehrig (2022), ‘DP15827 Speculative and Precautionary Demand for Liquidity in Competitive Banking Markets‘, CEPR Discussion Paper No. 15827. CEPR Press, Paris & London.

Dietrich, D., M. Le Quement and M. Tvede (2022), Cheap Talk to Multiple Receivers, mimeo.

Berry, W., D. Dietrich and R. Sollis (2022), Financial Stress and Forecasting UK Equity Risk Premiums, available at SSRN.

Bucher, M., D. Dietrich und M. Tvede (2018), Coordination failures, bank runs and asset prices Bundesbank Discussion paper 39/2018, Deutsche Bundesbank, Frankfurt.