Nomos Verlag has published a new book entitled "Staatlicher Schutz vor Meinungsrobotern. (Verfassungs-)Rechtliche Überlegungen zu einer staatlichen Schutzpflicht vor Einflüssen von Meinungsrobotern auf die politische Willensbildung in sozialen Netzwerken".
There has long been a debate about the state's (regulatory) responsibility with regard to social network algorithms, among other things. But what if the networks are exploited by third parties for political agitation, with numerous (partially) automated user accounts attempting to influence the diffusion of information and communication? Is the state then also called upon to act as a guarantor of political decision-making?
This work attempts to answer this question, which is primarily characterised by constitutional law, taking into account the principles of social psychology and communication science and with the help of fundamental rights protection obligations. It derives a corresponding abstract responsibility from the fundamental rights of communication and examines whether the state - in particular with the Interstate Media Treaty - fulfils this responsibility in a (constitutionally) convincing manner.
The book was written by Alexander Iben. He was awarded the 2021 doctoral prize [de] for this work.
Alexander Iben studied at the University of Greifswald and subsequently worked as a research assistant at the Chair of Public Law: European and Public International Law (Prof. Dr. Claus Dieter Classen) until 2021.