Nomos Verlag has published a new book entitled "Umweltrecht" in the Nomos textbook series.
The strength of this textbook, now in its 8th edition, is that it systematically presents and evaluates German environmental law in a concise manner - with the help of graphics and case studies. As environmental law has been shaped by EU law more than almost any other area of law, special emphasis is placed on the Europeanisation and internationalisation of this area of law.
The book includes all of the latest legal developments in full - in particular in climate protection law (BEHG, 1st Amending Act of the KSG and the Climate Change Decision of the Federal Constitutional Court (BVerfG)), legal protection of the environment, and recycling law (VerpackG).
The book was authored by Prof. Dr. Sabine Schlacke [de], Chair of Public Law with a focus on Administrative Law and Environmental Law.
She has been a member of the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU) since 2008 and its co-chair since 2016. She was appointed for a further four years in October 2020.

8th edition 2021, 588 p.
ISBN 978-3-8487-6179-1
Publication date: May 2021