Research - Monetary Economics
Diemo Dietrich’s profile on Ideas
Primary research interests lie in the areas of Financial Stability, Banking & Banking Regulation, (digital) Currencies, and Corporate Finance. We use ideas primarily from information economics and game theory (e.g., contracts, coordination games, cheap talk) as well as dynamic macroeconomics (overlapping generations economies).
The current research focuses on liquidity creation by banks and aims at gaining a better understanding of its macroeconomic and policy implications.
- Effects of regulating bank liquidity and bank capital on bank behaviour and corporate investment
- Implications of financial frictions for aggregate credit supply and financial stability
- Monetary policy in the presence of financial frictions
- Boundaries of the firm arising from frictions in financial contracting
Conferences & Seminars (select)
2025: U Osnabrück; Newcastle U; Financial Intermediation in the 3rd Millennium: Perils and Pearls (U Essex, scheduled); Western Economic Association (scheduled)
2024: Finance Theory Group (NYU); RCEA International Conference (Brunel U); U Graz; U Edinburgh Business School, Australasian Finance & Banking Conference (UNSW); Annual Financial Market Liquidity Conference (Corvinus U); Sydney Banking and Financial Stability Conference (U Sydney)
2023: U Rostock.
2022: U California San Diego; U California Davis; Australasian Finance & Banking Conference; Annual Conference of the Money, Macro and Finance Society; U Rostock.
2021: U Zurich/ETH; U Vienna; LSE/SRC; VGSF Vienna; U St. Andrews; London FIT workshop; Warsaw Money-Macro-Finance conference; Groupement de Recherche Europeen Symposium on Money Banking and Finance; Econometric Society European Meeting; Annual Conference of the Money, Macro and Finance Society; German Economic Association.
2019: Sydney Banking and Financial Stability Conference (U Sydney).
2018: American Economic Association; International Finance and Banking Society.
2017: Econometric Society Latin American Meeting; Money Macro and Finance Society; Society for the Advancement of Economic Theory; European Workshop on General Equilibrium Theory; U Vienna.