Institute for Energy, Environmental and Maritime Law (IfEUS)
The transformation of the energy, economic, health and social system towards a climate-neutral and sustainable system is a current challenge for politics. In addition, the Covid-19 pandemic has revealed that health protection is a global challenge and requires planetary health in the long term. This means that health and environmental protection must be considered together.
Moreover, addressing both challenges can hardly succeed without digitalization and the use of artificial intelligence. In order to avoid burdening future generations exclusively with overcoming them, while also avoiding to merely shift them to other areas, the development of overarching guiding principles, concepts and instruments is essential for the further development of health and environmental systems in a holistic and sustainable manner.

The Institute for Energy, Environmental and Maritime Law (IfEUS) pursues a holistic approach to interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary legal issues in its project and research work. The Institute is headed by the Managing Director Professor Dr. Sabine Schlacke.
Sabine Schlacke
Public Law, in particular Administrative and Environmental Law
Univ.-Prof., Dr. jur.habil.
Ernst-Lohmeyer-Platz 1, 17489 Greifswald
Phone +49 3834 420 2100
Further information:
Prof. Dr. Sabine Schlacke
The epochal task of shaping the transformation of the energy, economic, health and social system into a climate-neutral and sustainable system, in which the findings of the most diverse disciplines must be integrated, requires legal support.
The Institute is actively involved in the transfer of knowledge between legal scholarship and legal practice through various event formats. You can access the IfEUS events here.