This book series presents research findings from the field of business management that address current issues in general corporate finance and auditing, as well as specifically in the field of business valuation. It is targeted at academics and practitioners.
The series was started by Prof. em. Manfred Jürgen Matschke [de] in 1998 under the title “Moderne Finanzwirtschaft & Unternehmensbewertung” (Modern Finance & Business Valuation).
In 2009, the group of editors was expanded to include the professors – and alumni of the University of Greifswald – Prof. Dr Thomas Hering (FernUniversität in Hagen), Prof. Dr Michael Olbrich (Saarland University in Saarbrücken), Prof. Dr Heinz Eckert Klingelhöfer (Tshwane University of Technology in Pretoria, South Africa) and Prof. Dr Gerrit Brösel (FernUniversität in Hagen).
In 2010, the title was changed to “Finanzwirtschaft, Unternehmensbewertung & Revisionswesen”. The dissertations and post-doctoral theses published in the context of this series by Springer Gabler Verlag (from 2004 onwards) can be viewed under the following link: