Risk Management

The course Risk Management consists of two parts. The first part covers the basics of probability theory, the characteristics of coherent, convex and spectral risk measures, the concept of risk mapping as well as the essentials of time series analysis and parameter estimation.

The second part covers common methods to measure market, credit and operational risk. Also modern concepts such as ARCH models, copulas and basics of extreme value theory are taught. Hence the course covers all concepts, that are successfully used for risk measurement.

Participants of the course Risk Management therefore acquire a basic understanding of mathematical concepts such as probability theory, measure theory, time series analysis and parameter estimation.

Elements of the course "Risk Management":

  • Risk Management I: Concepts and Risk Measures (winter term)
  • Risk Management II: Institutional Methods (summer term)

Summer Term 2025 Risk Management II

Course Lecturer Place and Time (c.t.)
Risk Management II
Thomas Mazzoni Seminarraum 3
Loeffler-Str. 70
Tuesdays 10:00-12:00 hrs
Risk Management II
Chuck Henjes Seminarraum 3
Loeffler-Str. 70
Wednesdays 08:00-10:00 hrs

Links to course management Moodle (summer term)


Chair of Business Administration and Finance

Head of Chair
Prof. Dr. Thomas Mazzoni

Corinna Papendorf

Friedrich-Loeffler-Straße 70
Room 318
17489 Greifswald
Phone +49 3834 420 2498
Fax +49 3834 420 2497

Fields of activity


