Edelnass - Refining wet grassland biomass into platform chemicals, packaging, fibre castings and paper

Project backround

The R&D project "EDELNASS - Refining wet grassland biomass into platform chemicals, packaging, fibre castings and paper" investigates the utilisation of growths from rewetted peatland grassland as basic material in various product lines.

For this purpose, the University of Greifswald is analysing the location parameters of 5 peatland sites in Germany, the extraction of their specific biomass growths and the utilisation processes, both economically and ecologically. The other project partners will investigate, test and evaluate the applicability of Paludi biomass in the above-mentioned processes.

Aims of the project

The aim of the investigations is to develop new value chains based on wet meadow management that combine productive use of wet grassland with the achievement of nature conservation and climate protection goals. The costs from the provision of raw materials to the end product are analysed in demonstration projects in order to derive suitable operating models for the individual processes and to project them for further development in peatland regions as examples.


Edelnass - Refining wet grassland biomass into platform chemicals, packaging, fibre castings and paper

Funded by:

Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), Agency for Renewable Resources (FNR), Funding  Code: 2222MT001A


01.07.2023 to 30.06.2026

Projectmanagement at the University of Greifswald:

Overall project leader: 

Prof. Dr. Gerald Jurasinski

Management of the subproject:

Prof. Dr. Volker Beckmann

Processing of the subproject:

Dr. Michael Rühs

Collaborating partners: