German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU)
Many political decisions have to be taken without a full understanding of the complex interactions between global environment and development problems.
The German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU) was founded in 1992 as an independent scientific advisory body. Through its press and public relations efforts, the WBGU aims to raise awareness about the challenges of global sustainable development.
- analyzes global environment and development problems,
- evaluates research on global sustainable development,
- identifies research gaps and provides impetus for research
- identifies emerging problem areas as part of early warning
- evaluates global sustainability policies
- makes recommendations for action and research
WBGU communicates complex interrelationships, assesses risks and proposes ecological and socio-economic "guardrails" to avoid. The Council's policy advice on global change is thus intended to facilitate an evidence- and knowledge-based political and societal debate and to help decision-makers act under uncertainty. It is particularly concerned with precautionary options aimed at avoiding irreversible, serious damage to people and nature.
Professor Dr. Sabine Schlacke has been a member of the WBGU since 2008 and has served as its Co-Chair since 2016. In October 2020, she was reappointed for an additional four years.”
Recent WBGU reports: