WIR! – Plant³: Buffalo husbandry, integration of water buffalo into paludiculture value chains and plant-based bioeconomy

Project background
Drained fens are largely rewetted as part of climate protection measures. The rewetted peatlands can then be left to natural succession or managed in paludiculture. Conventional management of the areas is not possible. The only site-adapted animal-based method of managing wet moors is the grazing of these areas with water buffaloes. In addition to meat production, various other ecosystem services can be provided on the rewetted areas.
Aims of the project
In the project "Integration of water buffalo into the value chains of paludiculture and plant-based bioeconomy", short title: "Buffalo husbandry as paludiculture", the sub-project Paludisiegel is concerned with developing the basis for a certificate for paludiculture. In cooperation with the project partner University of Rostock, the project investigates abiotic and biotic effects of buffalo husbandry on wet lowland moors and qualitatively describes and, where possible, quantifies associated ecosystem services. This serves as a basis for the creation of a certificate that is needed for the sustainable marketing of products from paludiculture, e.g. buffalo meat, but also for the certification of other products from wet moor use.
WIR - Plant³: Buffalo husbandry, integration of water buffalo into paludiculture value chains and plant-based bioeconomy
Funded by:
Plant³ of the programme "WIR! - Change through Innovation in the Region" of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), Fkz: 03WIR2210A.
01.02.2022 to 31.01.2025
Projectmanagement at the University of Greifswald:
Overall project leader:
Prof. Dr. Volker Beckmann
Network coordination and processing:
Collaborating partners:
- University of Greifswald, Chair of Landscape Economics, Partner at the Greifswald Moor Centrum (WP 1 Paludi seal - Prof. Dr. Volker Beckmann)
- Grassland and Forage Science of the Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences at the University of Rostock.(WP 2 Grazing effects and biodiversity - Dr. Jürgen Müller)
- Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology (FBN), Andreas Höflich and Julia Brenmoehl (Institute of Genome Biology) and Björn Kuhla (Institute of Nutritional Physiology).
Funded by: