Bas Spanjers
Scientific staff
Soldmannstraße 15 (room 2.02)
17489 Greifswald
Tel. 015732808925
Research focus
Utilization and marketing (paludi brand) of paludi biomass, like construction materials, paper & fiber materials, substrates (including biochar), and energy generation.
Data collection and evaluation of paludi-specific requirements.
Mediation between paludi raw material producers and industry.
Current projects
- PaludiZentrale: Coordination, pooling and analysis of scientific data from paludiculture demonstration projects, BMEL 2023-2032
Completed projects
- Multipeat
Professional Backround
2021-2023 | employee, ARGE Klimamoor (Nagola Re GmbH) (focus: value added chains with paludi-biomass, ReReet, peat events, stakeholder management) |
2022-2023 | employee, Succow Foundation (Focus: feasibility study paludicultures (Multipeat), toMOORow) |
2020-2021 | Research assistant, University Greifswald (Focus: organisation RRR2021) |
2018-2020 | employee water management & peatland restauration, LfU Brandenburg (W26) (Focus: paludicultures, Rhinluch, stakeholder management) |
2016-2018 | Consultant water management, Landschaft planen+bauen, Berlin GmbH |
2010-2016 | Representative water management, Hoogheemraadschap de Stichtse Rijnlanden, (NL) (Focus: water management in peatlands, WFFD) |
2006-2010 | Consultant water management, Grontmij Nederland BV, (NL) |
2003-2005 | MSc. Hydrology and Water Quality Management / Aquatic Ecology, Wageningen University (NL) |
Spanjers, B., Petri, S., Pecenka, R., Lühr, C., (2022). Neue Wertschöpfungsketten mit Paludi-Biomasse für eine klimafreundliche Moorbewirtschaftung in Brandenburg. poster presentation (3N)
Spanjers, B., Abel, S., Heiermann, M. (2021). The climate-friendly management of the agricultural peatlands in Brandenburg, Germany. poster presentation (RRR2021)
Schäfer, T., Spanjers, B., Landgraf, L., Wichtmann, W., Bender, M., (2021). Entwässerte Moore wiederbeleben. Umweltmagazine, 37-39
van Hardeveld, H., de Jong, H., Knepflé, M., de Lange, T., Schot, P., Spanjers, B., & Teurlincx, S. (2020). Integrated impact assessment of adaptive management strategies in a Dutch peatland polder. Proceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences, 97, 1-5