Dr. Telse Vogel
Scientific staff
Soldmannstraße 15 (room 2.02)
17487 Greifswald
Tel.: +49 3834 420 4118
Research focus
- Economic evaluation of agricultural systems (focus: paludiculture)
- Working time studies (video-based (GOPRO), software-based (MEZA, PLAZET))
- Calculation of planning data for paludiculture methods
- Bioenergy (straw heating plants, biogas, greenhouse gas balancing, economic evaluation of value chains)
Current projects
- PaludiZentrale: Coordination, pooling and analysis of scientific data from paludiculture demonstration projects, funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL), 2023-2032
Completed projects
- Paludi-PROGRESS: Paludiculture in practice: Optimisation of cattail and reed cultures, sub-project 3, at the State Research Institute for Agriculture and Fisheries Mecklenburg-Vorpommern (LFA MV), funded by the (BMEL), 2022 to 2024
- Paludi-PRIMA: Bringing paludiculture into practice: Integration - Management - Cultivation, sub-project 2, at the LFA MV, funded by the BMEL, 2019 to 2022
- WWHH: Economic efficiency of different value chains of straw-based heating plants with local heating networks, at the LFA MV, funded by the BMEL, 2017 to 2019
Professional background
2017-2023 | Project staff at the State Research Centre for Agriculture and Fisheries Mecklenburg-Vorpommern |
2022-2023 | Paludi-PROGRESS Paludiculture in practice: Optimisation of cattail and reed cultures |
2019-2022 | Paludi-PRIMA Putting paludiculture into practice: integration - management - cultivation |
2017-2019 | WWHH Economic efficiency of different value chains of straw-based heating plants with local heating networks |
2009-2018 | Doctorate (Dr. agriculturae), University of Rostock (Topic: Phosphorus effects of recycled products from municipal wastewater on the soil-plant-system) |
2007-2009 | Project staff at the Stralsund University of Applied Sciences Development of a process to increase biogas yields from renewable raw materials |
2000-2006 | Diploma Landscape Ecology, University of Greifswald (Main subject: Landscape Economics) |
Vogel T. & Dahms T. (2021). Increasing the efficiency of cattail establishment in terms of labor time requirements. Poster presentation. lnternational conference: Renewable resources from wet and rewetted peatlands (RRR 2021). 09.03.2021, Greifswald.
Vogel T. (2020). Putting paludiculture into practice: lntegration - Management Cultivation (Paludi-PRIMA). Oral presentation. Bioeconomy days, Workshop for business enterptises 10.03.2020, Rostock
Vogel T. & Annen T. (2018). How to enhance the economic viability of straw based heating plants in Germany. European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Proceedings, ISSN 2282-5819, DOr. 10.507U26thEUBCE2018-4AV.6.4, L4t5-L417.
Vogel T.; Kruse J.; Siebers N.; Nelles M. & Eichler-Löbermann B. (2017). Recycled products from municipal wastewater: composition and effects on phosphorus mobility in a sandy soil. Journal of Environmental Quality 46: M3-451.
Vogel T.; Nelles M. & Eichler-Löbermann B. (2017). Phosphor effects of recycled products from municipal wastewater on crops in a field experiment. Plant, Soil and Environment 63.
Vogel T.; Nelles M. & Eichler-Löbermann B. (2015). Phosphorus application with recycled products from municipal wastewater to different crop species. Ecological engineering 83: 465-475.