Imma Eckardt

Secretarys office

Chair of Landscape Economics

Soldmannstraße 15, Room 2.08
17487 Greifswald
Phone +49 3834 420 4115
Fax +49 3834 420 4107
Office hours: Monday - Thursday: 9:00 - 14:00


(Chair's mailbox: Please note that this mailbox is read by several people. Do not send any personal information to this address that is only intended for a specific recipient).
(personal mailbox)


Please note:
Please note that the secretarys office will be closed from 23.12.2024 to 01.01.2025 and no inquiries can be answered during this time.
From 02.01.2025 to 10.02.2025, the secretarys office will only be staffed on a temporary basis!
Calls cannot be answered. For urgent matters, please send an email to ls-landschaftsoekonomieuni-greifswaldde. Your request will then be processed promptly.