Josephine Neubert
Scientific staff
Soldmannstraße 15 (room 3.06)
17489 Greifswald
Tel.: +49 3834 420 4136
Research focus
- Paludiculture pilot projects
- Cultivation of cattail on peatland
Current projects
Paludi-PROGRESS: "Paludiculture in practice: Optimisation of cattail and reed cultures" (BMEL, 2022-2025)
Completed projects
- Paludi-PRIMA: „Putting Paludiculture into Practice: Integration – Management – Cultivation“ (BMEL, 2019-2022)
Professional background
2019-today|Scientific staff at Institut für Botanik und Landschaftsökologie, Universität Greifswald
2012-2018|“Master of Agricultural Economics”, Humboldt Universität Berlin (Payment schemes for ecosystem services), MSc
2011-2012|“Master of Public Policy”, Hertie School of Governance, Berlin (no degree)
2006-2011|“Baltic Mangement Studies”, University of Applied Sciences Stralsund (Focus on entrepreneurship), B.A.
Nordt, A.; Abel, S.; Hirschelmann, S.; Lechtape, C. & Neubert, J. (2022). Leitfaden für die Umsetzung von Paludikultur. Greifswald Moor Centrum-Schriftenreihe 05/2022 (Selbstverlag, ISSN 2627–910X), 144 S.