Nora Köhn
Scientific staff
Soldmannstraße 15 (office in Soldmannstraße 23)
17487 Greifswald
Tel.: +49 3834 420 4224
Research Focus
Research Focus
- stand development of cattails (Typha spp.) in paludiculture
- biomass quality of various paludiculture species (e.g. cattail, common reed, reed canary, grass, sedges) and biomass requirements for different utilization options
Current projects
Current projects
- Paludi-Produkt – biobased plastics from paludiculture
- Paludi-PROGRESS: Paludiculture in practice: optimization of cattail and reed cultures
Completed projects
Completed projects
- Paludi-PRIMA – Putting Paludiculture into practice: Integration - Management - Cultivation
- MeerGewinn – nutrient retention by producing raw materials in constructed wetlands
- CINDERELLA - Comparative analysis, integration and exemplary implementation of climate smart land use practices on organic soils: progressing paludicultures after centuries of peatland destruction and neglect
Professional backround
Professional backround
since 2019 | Scientific staff at the Institute of Botany and Landscape Ecology at University of Greifswald |
2017 to 2019 | Research assistant at DUENE e.V. in Greifswald |
2014 to 2017 | Master's programme Ecology and Biodiversity at University of Greifswald (focus: peatland studies) |
2010 to 2014 | Bachelor's programme Biology at University of Greifswald (focus: Ecology) |
Haldan, K., Köhn, N., Hornig, A., Wichmann, S. & Kreyling, J. (2022): Typha for paludiculture – suitable water table and nutrient conditions for potential biomass utilization. Ecology and Evolution, 12, e9191.
Kehl, T., Burmeister, M. F. W. T., Donke, E., Köhn, N., Metschke, K., Pfender, D., Karl, I. & Fischer, K. (2014): Pheromon Blend Does not Explain Old Male Mating Advantage in a Butterfly. Ethology 120, 11, 1137-1145.