Becher, D (2020). Proteomic adaptation of streptococcus pneumoniae to the antimicrobial peptide human beta defensin 3 (hbd3) in comparison to other cell surface stresses. Microorganisms 8, 1697. PMID: 33143252 [...] modifications (especially phosphorylations and ubiquitinations) Physiological responses of bacteria to infection-related stress conditions Publications Alvarenga-Lucius, L, Linhartová, M, Schubert, H, Maaß [...] Becher, D, Hess, WR, Sobotka, R, and Hagemann, M (2023). The high-light-induced protein SliP4 binds to NDH1 and photosystems facilitating cyclic electron transport and state transition in Synechocystis