Prof. Dr. Volker Beckmann
Soldmannstraße 15
17487 Greifswald
Telefon +49 3834 420 4122
Telefax +49 3834 420 4107
Sprechzeiten: während der vorlesungsfreien Zeit nur nach Vereinbarung
Sprechzeiten: Montag - Donnerstag: 9:00 - 14:00 Uhr
Scopus Author ID: 56233163100
ResearcherID: Q-7377-2018
ORCID-ID: 0000-0001-6595-7995
Publons ID: 1239851
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Aktuelle Projekte
- AgoraNatura - NaturMarkt (AgoraNatura), Teilvorhaben 2: Angebotsentwicklung (AgoraNatura)
- CLIENT II-Definitionsprojekt - ReedBiom: Nachhaltige Biomassenutzung aus Schilf
- Collective action and conflict on common village pastures - Comparative case studies in Azerbaijan and Georgia (Co4)
- Greifswalder Agrarinitiative (GAI)
- Livestock farming in the Ili Delta under changing water flow - effects on food security and adaption strategies
- MORGEN Moorrevitalisierung als Greifswalder Anpassungsstrategie - Entwicklungsperspektiven durch nasse Nutzung
- VoCo - Vorpommern Connet - Nachhaltige Stadt-Land-Wertschöpfungsketten bewerten und gestalten
Abgeschlossene Projekte
- ADAPTFISH - Institutionenökonomische Ansätze zur Entwicklung adaptiver Managementsysteme für die Freizeitfischerei in Deutschland
- Ex ante Institutional Alignments to NIMBY Problems: The Siting of Sanitary Landfills in Colombia
- Kooperative und hierarchische Erscheinungsformen institutionellen Wandels
- Governing Farmland Conversion in the Quest for Sustainability – A Comparative Study of Germany and China
- Restructuring Higher Education in Resource and Environmental Economics in East-Asian Transition Countries (Asia-Link RECREATE)
- Institutioneller Wandel im Wildtiermanagement – Anpassungsdruck und Anpassungsfähigkeit von Jagdgenossenschaften in Deutschland
- How Labor Organization May Affect Technological Adoption. The Case of Integrated Pest Management
- Integrated Tools for the Development of Agri-environmental Measures in Europe (ITEAS)
- Integrated Development of Agricultural and Rural Institutions in CEEC (IDARI)
- Analysing Agricultural Land Markets“
- Promoting Institutions for Natural Resource and Environmental Management in Central and Eastern Europe
- Kosten der Erreichung von Umweltqualitätszielen in ausgewählten Regionen durch Umstellung auf ökologischen Landbau im Vergleich zu anderen Agrarumweltprogrammen
- Komparative Analyse des Transformationsprozesses in den Agrarsektoren ausgewählter Staaten Mittel- und Osteuropas (KATO)"
- Agricultural Privatization, Land Reform and Farm Restructuring in Central Europe
- Ländliche Regionen im Kontext agrarstrukturellen Wandels
Beruflicher Werdegang
27.05.2013 | Ernennung zum Professor "Allgemeine Volkswirtschaftslehre und Landschaftsökonomie" an der Rechts- und Staatswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald |
2010 - 2013 | Vertretung des Lehrstuhls für Allgemeine Volkswirtschaftslehre und Landschaftsökonomie an der Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-Universität Greifswald |
2009 - 2010 | Gastprofessor für Volkswirtschaftslehre, insbes. Umweltökonomie an der Brandenburgischen Technischen Universität (BTU) Cottbus |
2009 | Habilitation an der Landwirtschaftlich-Gärtnerischen Fakultät der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Fachgebiet „Agrarökonomie“ |
2007 - 2009 | Wissenschaftlicher Koordinator des Ausbildungs- und Forschungsprojektes „Restructuring Higher Education in Resource and Environmental Economics in East-Asian Transition Countries (Asia-LinkRECREATE)“ |
2002 | Forschungsaufenthalt an der Haas Business School, Prof. Dr. Oliver E. Williamson, University of California at Berkeley, U.S.A. |
2001 - 2007 | Wissenschaftlicher Assistent am Fachgebiet Ressourcenökonomie, Prof. Dr. Konrad Hagedorn, Institut für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |
1999 | Promotion am Fachbereich Agrarwissenschaften der Georg-August Universität Göttingen - Dr. sc. agr. |
1997 - 2001 | Wissenschaftlicher Koordinator des Forschungsprojektes KATO „Komparative Analyse des Transformationsprozesses in den Agrarsektoren ausgewählter Staaten Mittel- und Osteuropas“ |
1994 - 1997 | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Fachgebiet Ressourcenökonomie, Prof. Dr. Konrad Hagedorn, Institut für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |
1992 - 1994 | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl Agrarpolitik, Prof. Dr. Günther Schmitt, Institut für Agrarökonomie der Georg-August Universität Göttingen |
1986 - 1992 | Studium der Agrarwissenschaften an der Georg-August Universität Göttingen, Fachrichtung Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus |
Veröffentlichungsverzeichnis (Publication list)
Aufsätze in Zeitschriften/journal articles
Dillmann, O. & Beckmann, V. (2018): Do Administrative Incentives for the Containment of Cities Work? An Analysis of the Accelerated Procedure for Binding Land-Use Plans for Inner Urban Development in Germany. Sustainability 2018, 10, 4745.
Osei, R.; Zerbe, S.; Beckmann, V. & Boaitey, A. (2018): Socio-economic determinants of smallholder plantation sizes in Ghana and options to encourage reforestation, Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science, DOI: 10.2989/20702620.2018.1490992
Xiong, C.; Beckmann, V. & Tan, R. (2018): Effects of Infrastructure on Land Use and Land Cover Change (LUCC): The Case of Hangzhou International Airport, China. Sustainability 2018, 10, 2013.
Pueppke, S.G.; Iklasov, M.K.; Beckmann, V.; Nurtazin, S.T.; Thevs, N.; Sharakhmetov, S. & Hoshino, B. (2018): Challenges for Sustainable Use of the Fish Resources from Lake Balkhash, a Fragile Lake in an Arid Ecosystem. Sustainability 2018, 10, 1234.
Thevs, N.; Nurtazin, S.; Beckmann, V. & Khalil, A. (2017): Water Consumption of Agriculture and Natural Ecosystems along the Ili River in China and Kazakhstan. Water, 9, 207: 1-15, DOI: 10.3390/w9030207
Peng, H.; Thevs, N.; Beckmann, V. & Nurbay, A. (2016): Economic Performance of Cotton and Fruit Plantations in arid Regions: Observation from the Tarim River Basin, NW China. Asian Journal of Agricultural Extension, Economics & Sociology, 8(3):1-15, ISSN: 2320-7027, DOI: 10.9734/AJAEES/2016/22254
Köbbing, J.F.; Beckmann, V.; Thevs, N.; Peng, H. & Zerbe, S. (2016): Investigation of a reed economy (Phragmites australis) under threat: pulp and paper market, values and netchain at Wuliangsuhai Lake, Inner Mongolia, China. Wetlands Ecology and Management, 24(3):357-371, DOI: 10.1007/s11273-015-9461-z
Neudert, R.; Rühs, M. & Beckmann, V. (2015): Implementation of pasture leasing rights for mobile pastoralists – a case study on institutional change during post-socialist reforms in Azerbaijan. International Journal of the Commons, 9(2):648-669, DOI:
Beckmann, V.; Otto, I.M. & Tan, R. (2015): Overcoming the legacy of the past? Analyzing the modes of governance used by the Polish agricultural producer groups. Agricultural Economics – Czech, 61(5):222-233, DOI: 10.17221/190/2014-AGRICECON
Köbbing, J.F.; Patuzzi, F.; Baraterie, M.; Beckmann, V.; Peng, H.; Thevs, N. & Zerbe, S. (2014): Economic evaluation of Common reed as an energy source in China. A case study in Wuliangsuhai Lake, (Inner Mongolia, China). Biomass and Bioenergy, 70, DOI: 10.1016/j.biombioe.2014.08.002
Daedlow, K.; Beckmann, V.; Schlüter, M. & Arlinghaus, R. (2013): Explaining institutional persistence, adaptation, and transformation in East German recreational fisheries governance after the German reunification in 1990. Ecological Economics, 96:36-50
Beckmann, V. (2012): The Political Economy of Agricultural Policy Reform in India. Fertilizers and Electricity for Irrigation. By Regina Birner, Surupa Gupta, Neeru Sharma. Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture, 53(2):196-198
Tan, R.; Beckmann, V.; Qu, F. & Wu, C. (2012): Governing Farmland Conversion for Urban Development from the Perspective of Transaction Cost Economics. Urban Studies, 40(10):2265-2283
Patuzzi, F.; Köbbing, J.F.; Beckmann, V.; Thevs, N.; Zerbe, S. & Baratieri, M. (2012):Evaluation of Common Reeds Potential for Energy Production in Wuliangsuhai Lake (Inner Mongolia, China).In: Conference proceedings - 20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition Session 5AV.3.8: 2353 - 2361
Daedlow, K.; Beckmann, V. & Arlinghaus, R. (2011): Assessing an Adaptive Cycle in a Social System under External Pressure to Change: The Importance of Intergroup Relations in Recreational Fisheries Governance. Ecology & Society (forthcoming).
Mettepenningen, E.; Beckmann, V. & Eggers, J. (2011): Public Transaction Cost of Agri-environmental Schemes and its Determinants: Analysing Stakeholders Involvement and Perceptions. Ecological Economics 70 (4), 641-650.
Beckmann, V. & Schleyer, C. (2010): Institutionen und öffentliche Güter in der Landwirtschaft. LandInForm Spezial 01, 23-27.
Beckmann, V. & Schleyer, C. (2010): Institutionen und öffentliche Güter in der Landwirtschaft. Agra-Europe 30/10, Dokumentation, 12-16.
Consmüller, N.; Beckmann, V. & Petrick, M. (2010): An econometric analysis of regional adoption patterns of Bt maize in Germany. Agricultural Economics 41 (3-4), 275-284.
Tan, R. & Beckmann, V. (2010): Diversity of Practical Quota Systems for Farmland Preservation: A Multi-country Comparison and Analysis. Environment and Planning C: government and policy 28(2) 211–224.
Beckmann, V.; Soregaroli, C. & Wesseler, J. (2010): Ex-ante Regulations and Ex-post Liabilities under Uncertainty and Irreversibility: Governing the Coexistence of GM Crops. Economics. The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal Vol. 4, 2010-9.
Hagedorn, K. & Beckmann, V. (2010): Institutionen der Nachhaltigkeit. Der Wirtschaftsnobelpreis 2009 und seine Bedeutung für die Agrarökonomie. German Journal of Agricultural Economics – Agrarwirtschaft 59 (1), 47-52.
Banaszak, I. & Beckmann, V. (2010): Compliance with Rules and Sanctioning in Producer Groups in Poland. Journal of Rural Cooperation 38 (1), 55-69.
Tan, R.; Beckmann, V.; van den Berg, L. & Qu, F. (2009): Governing Farmland Conversion: Comparing the Netherlands, Germany, and China. Land Use Policy 26(4), 961-974.
Consmüller, N.; Beckmann, V. & Schleyer, C. (2009): The Role of Coordination and Cooperation in the Early Adoption of GM-crops: The Case of Bt-maize in Brandenburg, Germany. AgBioForum 12(1), 47-59.
Beckmann, V.; Eggers, J. & Mettepenningen, E. (2009): Deciding How to Decide on Agri-Environmental Schemes: The Political Economy of Subsidiarity, Decentralisation and Participation in the European Union. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 52(5), 689 - 716.
Eggers, J.; Mettepenningen, E. & Beckmann, V. (2008): Assessing Local Action Groups and Auctions as Institutional Alternatives for Designing and Implementing Agri-Environmental Measures in the EU: Results from an Expert Survey. German Journal of Agricultural Economics – Agrarwirtschaft 57(7), 325-333.
Banaszak, I. & Beckmann, V. (2008): Incentive Structure in Public Policies - Example of the Law on Producer Groups in Poland. Society and Economy 30(1), 79-92.
Murray, C.; Beckmann, V. & Hurrelmann, A. (2008): The Governance of Cooperation – Policy Implications for Rural Central and Eastern Europe. Journal of Rural Cooperation 36(1), 87-100.
Consmüller, N.; Beckmann, V. & Schleyer, C. (2008): Koordination und Kooperation beim Anbau von Bt-Mais in Brandenburg: Eine explorative Studie zu betrieblichen Strategien der Koexistenz. Berichte über Landwirtschaft 38(2), 242-261.
Rauchenecker, K. & Beckmann, V. (2007): Jagdgenossenschaften und Wildtiermanagement: zur Rolle der Zwangsmitgliedschaft. Journal of Environmental Law and Policy (Zeitschrift für Umweltpolitik und Umweltrecht) (1), 1-26.
Beckmann, V.; Soregaroli, C. & Wesseler, J. (2006): Coexistence Rules and Regulations in the European Union. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 88(5), 1193-1199.
Hurrelmann, A.; Murray, C. & Beckmann, V. (2006): Social Capital and Leadership: Rural Cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe. Society and Economy 28(3), 217-243.
Beckmann, V. & Boger, S. (2004): Courts and Contract Enforcement in Transition Agriculture: Theory and Evidence from Poland. Agricultural Economics 31, 253-262.
Beckmann, V. & Wesseler, J. (2003): How Labour Organization May Affect Technological Adoption: An Analytical Framework Analyzing the Case of Integrated Pest Management (IPM). Environment and Development Economics 8, 437-450.
Hagedorn, K. & Beckmann, V. (1999): Comparative Analysis of the Process of Transition in the Agricultural Sector of Selected Central and Eastern European Countries: The KATO Research Project. Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science 5, 254-265.
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (1995): De-collectivisation Policies and Structural Changes of Agriculture in East Germany. MOCT-MOST 5, 133-152.
Beckmann, V.; Schmitt, G. & Schulz-Greve, W. (1994): Ansätze zur Erklärung der Dominanz und Persistenz "suboptimaler" Betriebsgrößen in der Landwirtschaft. Anmerkungen zum gleichnamigen Artikel von A. Balmann. Agrarwirtschaft 43, 403-405.
Beckmann, V. (1993): Zur ökonomischen Theorie der Transformation von Produktivgenossenschaften. Zeitschrift für das gesamte Genossenschaftswesen 43, 217-231.
Beckmann, V.; Schmitt, G. & Schulz-Greve, W. (1993): Betriebsgröße und Organisationsform für die landwirtschaftliche Produktion. Anmerkungen zum gleichnamigen Artikel von G. Peter and H.-P. Weikard. Agrarwirtschaft 42, 412-419.
Buchkapitel / book chapters
Beckmann, V.; Kafka, M.; Ochsner, S. & Wendorff, L. (2015): Entwickelt sich ein Markt für die Bestäubung von Raps in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern? In Stephan Lorenz and Kerstin Stark (editor):Menschen und Bienen. Ein nachhaltiges Miteinander in Gefahr. Chapter 17, page 193-204. Oekom-Verlag
Beckmann, V.; Soregaroli, C. & Wesseler, J. (2014): Coexistence. In Stuart J. Smyth, Peter W.B. Phillips and David Castle (editor): Handbook on Agriculture, Biotechnology and Development. Chapter 25, page 372–391. Edgar Elgar, Cheltenham. DOI: 10.4337/9780857938350.00031, ISBN: 9780857938343
Beckmann, V. (2014): Conservation, Protected Areas and Economic Development of Remote Rural Areas. In Dünkel, F.; Herbst, M. & Schlegel, T. (editor): Think Rural! Dynamiken des Wandels in peripheren ländlichen Räumen und ihre Implikationen für die Daseinsvorsorge. Chapter 4.1, page 209-214. Spinger VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-658-03931-8_18, ISBN: 978-3-658-03930-1
Beckmann, V.; Dung, N.H.; Shi, X. & Wesseler, J. (2010): Economic Transition and Natural Resource Management in East and Southeast Asia: An Introduction and Overview. In: Beckmann, V.; Dung, H.N.; Shi, X.; Spoor, M. & Wesseler, J. (Hrsg.) (2010): Economic Transition and Natural Resource Management in East and Southeast Asia. Aachen: Shaker, 1-10.
Beckmann, V.; Soregaroli, C. & Wesseler, J. (2010): Coexistence: Are the two main property rights systems symmetric? In: Carter, M.; Moschini, C. & Sheldon, I. (eds.): Genetically modified food and global welfare. (accepted paper, forthcoming).
Irawan, E.; Beckmann, V. & Wesseler, J. (2010): Transaction cost analysis of hired labor use in pest management. An empirical study of fruit tree farming in Thailand. In: Beckmann, V.; Dung, H.N.; Shi, X.; Spoor, M. & Wesseler, J. (Eds.) (2010): Economic Transition and Natural Resource Management in East and Southeast Asia. Aachen: Shaker, 317-355.
Beckmann, V. & Wesseler, J. (2009): Governance of Genetically Modified Crops in the European Union. In: Hanisch, M. & McGinnis, M.D. (Eds.). Multifunctional Resources, Institutional Diversity, and Polycentric Governance. ICS Press (forthcoming).
Banaszak, I. & Beckmann, V. (2009): The Role of Leadership in Establishing and Sustaining Cooperation - Evidence from Producer Groups in Poland. In: Brazda, J.; Kühl, R. & Rößl, D. (Eds.). Sozialwissenschaftliche Aspekte des Kooperations- und Genossenschaftsmanagements. Stuttgart: ibidem..
Padmanabhan, M. & Beckmann, V. (2009): Institutions and Sustainability: Introduction and Overview. In: Beckmann, V. & Padmanabhan, M. (Eds.). Institutions and Sustainability: Political Economy of Agriculture and the Environment. Essays in Honour of Konrad Hagedorn. Dortrecht: Springer, 1-24.
Beckmann, V. & Padmanabhan, M. (2009): Analysing Institutions: What Method to Apply? Beckmann, V. and M. Padmanabhan (Eds.). Institutions and Sustainability: Political Economy of Agriculture and the Environment. Essays in Honour of Konrad Hagedorn. Dortrecht: Springer, 341-371.
Eggers, J.; Mettepenningen, E. & Beckmann, V. (2008): Assessing the Efficiency of Local Action Groups and Auctions for Designing and Implementing Agri-Environmental Measures in the EU: Results from an Expert Survey. In: Gelbe, T.; Heißenhuber, A.; Kirner, L.; Pöchtrager, S. & Salhofer, K. (Eds.). Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft im Umbruch. Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus e.V., Bd. 43, Münster-Hiltrup: Landwirtschaftsverlag, 367-377.
Beckmann, V. & Banaszak, I. (2007): The Role of Leadership in Establishing and Sustaining Cooperation - Evidence from Producer Groups in Poland. In: Knierim, A.; Nagel, U.J. & Schäfer, C. (Eds). Managing Economic, Social and Biological Transformations. Proceedings of the First Green Week Scientific Conference. Weikersheim: Margraf, 180-187.
Beckmann, V., Hanisch, M.; Brem, M. & Boger, S. (2007): In Search of the Market: Lessons from Analyzing Transition in Central and Eastern European Agriculture. In: Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (Eds.). Understanding Agricultural Transition. Institutional Change and Economic Performance in a Comparative Perspective. Aachen: Shaker, 25-44.
Beckmann, V. & Wesseler, J. (2007): Spatial Dimension of Externalities and the Coase Theorem: Implications for Co-existence of Transgenic Crops. In: Heijman, W. (Ed). Regional Externalities. Berlin: Springer, 223-242.
Beckmann, V. & Schleyer, C. (2007): Neue Formen der Kooperation von Landwirten bei der Befürwortung und Ablehnung der Agro-Gentechnik. In: Köstner, B.; Vogt, M. & van Saan-Klein, B. (Eds.). Agro-Gentechnik im ländlichen Raum: Potenziale, Konflikte und Perspektiven. Dettelbach: J.H. Röll Verlag, 219-243.
Beckmann, V. & Schleyer, C. (2007): Neue Formen der Kooperation von Landwirten bei der Befürwortung und Ablehung der Agro-Gentechnik. In: Müller-Röber, B. et al. (Eds.). Grüne Gentechnologie. Aktuelle Entwicklungen in Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft. München: Elsevier Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, 83-99.
Rauchenecker, K. & Beckmann, V. (2006): Jagdgenossenschaften und Wildtiermanagement: Ist die Zwangsmitgliedschaft gerechtfertigt? In: Bahrs, E.; von Cramon-Taubadel, S.; Spiller, A.; Theuvsen, L. & Zeller, M. (Eds.). Unternehmen im Agrarbereich vor neuen Herausforderungen. Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus e.V., Bd. 41,Münster-Hiltrup: Landwirtschaftsverlag, 529-537.
Rauchenecker, K. & Beckmann, V. (2005): Jagdgenossenschaften im Wandel – Ist die Zwangsmitgliedschaft gerechtfertigt? In: Theurl, T. & Meyer, C. (Eds.). Wettbewerbsfähigkeit des genossenschaftlichen Netzwerks. Münstersche Schriften zur Kooperation, Bd. 64, Aachen: Shaker, 475-499.
Beckmann, V. (2004): Comments on Soregaroli and Wesseler: Minimum Distance Requirements and Liability: Implications for Coexistence. In: Wesseler, J. (Ed.). Environmental Costs and Benefits of Transgenetic Crops in Europe. Berlin et al.: Springer, 183-184.
Beckmann, V. & Pavel, F. (2001): The Logic and Future of Subsistence Farming in Transition Economies: The Case of Bulgaria. In: Mattas, K.; Karagiannis, I. & Galanopoulos, K. (Eds.). Problems and Prospects of Balkan Agriculture in a Restructuring Environment. Thessaloniki: Ziti Publisher, 52-62.
Kaneva, K. & Beckmann, V. (2001): Agricultural Producer's Cooperatives in Bulgaria: How do they look like? In: Mattas, K.; Karagiannis, I. & Galanopoulos, K. (Eds.). Problems and Prospects of Balkan Agriculture in a Restructuring Environment. Thessaloniki: Ziti Publisher, 77-84.
Beckmann, V. (1999): Informationen und Transaktionskostenökonomik: Zur Frage der Organisation des Transfers von Informationen in Märkten und Unternehmen. In: Berg, E.; Henrichsmeyer, W. & Schiefer, G. (Hrsg.). Agrarwirtschaft in der Informationsgesellschaft. Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus e.V., Bd. 35, Münster-Hiltrup: Landwirtschaftsverlag, 303-310.
Beckmann, V. (1998): Interessen, Zielfindung und Entwicklungspfade in Agrargenossenschaften. In: Hagedorn, K. (Ed.). Agrargenossenschaften: Mitgliederinteressen und ökonomische Perspektiven. Berliner Beiträge zum Genossenschaftswesen, Vol. 35, Berlin: Institut für Genossenschaftswesen, 11-32.
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (1997): Decollectivisation and Privatisation Policies and Resulting Structural Changes of Agriculture in Eastern Germany. In: Swinnen, J.F.M.; Buckwell, A. & Mathijs, E. (Eds.). Agricultural Privatisation, Land Reform and Farm Restructuring in Central and Eastern Europe. Aldershot et al.: Ashgate, 105-160.
Beckmann, V.; Hagedorn, K.; Klages, B. & Rudolph, M. (1997): Politische und ökonomische Rahmenbedingungen für die Entwicklung ländlicher Räume in den neuen Bundesländern. In: Becker, A. (Ed.). Regionale Strukturen im Wandel. Beiträge zu den Berichten der Kommission für die Erforschung des sozialen und politischen Wandels in den Neuen Bundesländern e.V. (KSPW). Opladen: Leske + Budrich, 355-500.
Beckmann, V. (1996): Transaktionskosten und Institutionelle Wahl in der Landwirtschaft – Das Beispiel der Wahl zwischen Familien- und Lohnarbeitskräften. In: Kirschke, D.; Odening, M. & Schade, G. (Eds.). Agrarstrukturentwicklung und Agrarpolitik. Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus e.V., Bd. 32, Münster-Hiltrup: Landwirtschaftsverlag, 143-154.
Beckmann, V. (1994): Die Organisation der landwirtschaftlichen Produktion - Entwicklung, Determinanten und Perspektiven. Eine regionale Fallstudie. In: Isermeyer, F. & Scheele, M. (Eds.). Ländliche Regionen im Kontext agrarstrukturellen Wandels. Kiel: Wissenschaftsverlag Vauk, 182-201.
Beckmann, V. (2000): Transaktionskosten und institutionelle Wahl in der Landwirtschaft. Zwischen Markt, Hierarchie und Kooperation. Berliner Schriften zur Kooperationsforschung, Bd. 5, Berlin: edition sigma.
Bücher als Herausgeber/ edited books
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (Eds.) (2010): Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 41, Katharina Rauchenecker: Institutioneller Wandel im Bereich Jagd und Wildtiermanagement. Das Beispiel der Jagdgenossenschaften. Aachen: Shaker.
Beckmann, V.; Dung, H.N.; Shi, X.; Spoor, M. & Wesseler, J. (Eds.) (2010): Economic Transition and Natural Resource Management in East and Southeast Asia. Aachen: Shaker.
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (Eds.) (2010): Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 41, Anne Margarian. Die regionale Spezifität des Agrarstrukturwandels: Eine theoretische und empirische Analyse. Aachen: Shaker
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (Eds.) (2010): Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 40, Aseffa Seyoum Wedajoo. Microeconomics of Wild Coffee Genetic Resources Conservation in Southwestern Ethiopia: Forest zoning and economic incentives for conservation. Aachen: Shaker.
Beckmann, V. & Padmanabhan, M. (Eds.) (2009): Institutions and Sustainability: Political Economy of Agriculture and the Environment. Essays in Honour of Konrad Hagedorn. Dortrecht: Springer.
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (Eds.) (2009): Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 38, Arzt, Katja. Lokale Partizipation und nachhaltige Ressourcennutzung. Eine institutionelle Analyse von Agrar-Umwelt-Foren. Aachen: Shaker.
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (Eds.) (2009): Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 37, Farrell, Katharine N. Making Good Decisions Well: A Theory of Collective Ecological Management. Aachen: Shaker.
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (Eds.) (2009): Institutional Change in Agriculture and Nautral Resources, Vol. 35, Thiel, Andreas. Environmental Policy Integration and Water Use Development in the Algarve since Portugal’s Accession to the European Union. Aachen: Shaker.
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (Eds.) (2008): Institutional Change in Agriculture and Nautral Resources, Vol. 34, Hundie, Bekele. Pastoralism, Institutions and Social Interactions. Explaining the Coexistence of Conflict and Cooperation in Pastoral Afar, Ethiopia. Aachen: Shaker.
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (Eds.) (2008): Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 33, Boening, Frank. Accessing Land at the Agricultural Frontier. A Case Study from the Hondurian Mosquita. Aachen: Shaker.
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (Eds.) (2008): Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 32, Beyene, Fekadu Challenges and Options in Governing Common Property. Customary Institutions among (Agro-) Pastoralists in Ethiopia. Aachen: Shaker.
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (Eds.) (2008): Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 31, Banaszak, Ilona. Success and Failure of Cooperation in Agricultural Markets. Evidence from Producer Groups in Poland. Aachen: Shaker.
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (Eds.) (2008): Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 30, Jungcurt, Stefan. Institutional Interplay in International Environmental Governance. Interdependence and Strategic Interaction in the Regime Complex on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture. Aachen: Shaker.
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (Eds.) (2008): Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 29, Diriminova, Violeta. Economic Effects of Land Fragmentation. Property Rights, Land Markets and Contracts in Bulgaria. Aachen: Shaker.
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (Eds.) (2007): Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 28, Thuc Vien Ha. Land Reform and Rural Livelihoods. An Examination from the Uplands of Vietnam. Aachen: Shaker.
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (Eds.) (2007): Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 26, Beckmann, Volker and Konrad Hagedorn (Eds.) Understanding Agricultural Transition. Institutional Change and Economic Performance in a Comparative Perspective Aachen: Shaker.
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (Eds.) (2005): Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 27, Tran, Thanh Ngoc. From Legal Acts to Village Institutions and Forest Use Practices. Effects of Devolution in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. Aachen: Shaker.
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (Eds.) (2005): Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 25, Eggers, Jörg. Dezentralisierung der Agrarumweltmaßnahmen in der Europäischen Agrarpolitik: Hemmnisse eines institutionellen Wandels. Aachen: Shaker.
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (Eds.) (2005): Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 24, Hurrelmann, Annette: Agricultural Land Markets: Organisations, Institutions, Costs and Contracts in Poland. Aachen: Shaker.
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (Eds.) (2005): Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 23, Theesfeld, Insa: A Common Pool Resource in Transition: Determinants of Institutional Change for Bulgaria’s Postsocialist Irrigation Sector. Aachen: Shaker.
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (Eds.) (2005): Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 22, Hidayat, Aceng: Institutional Analysis of Coral Reef Management: A Case Study of Gili Indah Village, West Lombok, Indonesia. Aachen: Shaker.
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (Eds.) (2005): Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 21, Nguyen, Tan Quang: What Benefits and for Whom? Effects of Devolution of Forest Management in Dak Lak, Vietnam. Aachen: Shaker.
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (Eds.) 2005): Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 20, Rudolph, Markus: Agrarstrukturpolitik im vereinigten Deutschland. Eine Analyse der Gemeinschaftsaufgabe “Verbesserung der Agrarstruktur und des Küstenschutzes” im Licht der Neuen Politischen Ökonomie. Aachen: Shaker.
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (Eds.) (2004): Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 19, Korf, Benedikt: Conflict, Space and Institutions. Property Rights and the Political Economy of War in Sri Lanka. Aachen: Shaker.
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (Eds.) (2004): Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 18, Vanoppen, Jan, Guido Van Huylenbroeck and Wim Verbeke: Economic Conventions and Consumer Valuation in Specific Quality Food Supply Networks. Aachen: Shaker.
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (Eds.) (2003): Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 17, Löw, Daniel: Crop Farming in China: Technology, Markets, Institutions and the Use of Pesticides. Aachen: Shaker.
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (Eds.) (2003): Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 16, Gatzweiler, Franz: The Changing Nature of Economic Value: Indigenous Forest Garden Value in Kalimantan, Indonesia. Aachen: Shaker.
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (Eds.) (2003): Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 15, Hanisch, Markus: Property Reform and Social Conflict. A Multi-Level Analysis of the Change of Agricultural Property Rights in Post-Socialist Bulgaria. Aachen: Shaker.
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (Eds.) (2002): Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 14, Lütteken, Antonia: Agrar-Umweltpolitik im Transformationsprozess. Das Beispiel Polen. Aachen: Shaker.
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (Eds.) (2002): Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 13, Clasen, Ralf: Jenseits des Sonderfalls: Eine vergleichende Analyse der Agrartransformation in Ostdeutschland und Estland aus der Perspektive des Akteurzentrierten Institutionalismus. Aachen: Shaker.
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (Eds.) (2002): Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 12, Curtiss, Jarmila: Efficiency and Structural Changes in Transition. A Stochastic Frontier Analysis of Czech Crop Production. Aachen: Shaker.
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (Eds.) (2002): Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 11, Milczarek, Dominika: Privatization as a Process of Institutional Change. The Case of State Farms in Poland. Aachen: Shaker.
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (Eds.) (2002): Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 10, Gatzweiler, Franz, Renate Judis und Konrad Hagedorn: Sustainable Agriculture in Central and Eastern European Agriculture. The Environmental Effects of Transition and the Needs for Change. Aachen: Shaker.
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (Eds.) (2002): Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 9, Zillmer, Sabine: Arbeitsangebotsverhalten im Transformationsprozess. Eine empirische Analyse des polnischen Agrarsektors. Aachen: Shaker.
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (Eds.) (2002): Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 8, Bogale, Ayalneh. Land Degradation, Impoverishment and Livelihood Strategies of Rural Households in Ethiopia: Farmers’ Perception and Policy Implication. Aachen: Shaker.
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (Eds.) (2002): Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 7, Hurrelmann, Annette. Land Markets in Economics Theory. A Review of the Literature and Proposals for Future Research. Aachen: Shaker.
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (Eds.) (2002): Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 6, Verhaegen, Ingrid and Guido van Huylenbroek: Hybrid Governance Structures for Quality Farm Products. A Transaction Cost Approach. Aachen: Shaker.
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (Eds.) (2001): Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 5, Klages, Bernd: Die Privatisierung ehemals volkseigener landwirtschaftlicher Flächen in den neuen Bundesländern. Grundlagen, Rahmenbedingungen, Ausgestaltung und Wirkung. Aachen: Shaker.
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (Eds.) (2001): Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 4, Boger, Silke: Agricultural Markets in Transition. A Study on Contracts and Transaction Costs in the Polish Hog Market. Aachen: Shaker.
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (Eds.) (2001): Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 3, Schlüter, Achim: Institutioneller Wandel und Transformation. Restitution, Transformation und Privatisierung in der tschechischen Landwirtschaft. Aachen: Shaker.
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (Eds.) (2001): Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources, Vol. 2, Pavel, Ferdinand: Success and Failure of Post-Communist Transition. Theory and an Application to Bulgaria. Aachen: Shaker.
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (Eds.) (2001): Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources: Vol. 1, Brem, Markus: Landwirtschaftliche Unternehmen im Transformationsprozess. Ein Beitrag zur Theorie der Restrukturierung während des Übergangs vom Plan zum Markt. Aachen: Shaker.
Buchbesprechungen / book reviews
Beckmann, V. (2003): The Nature of the Farm: Contracts, Risk, and Organization in Agriculture. Douglas Allen and Dean Lueck. European Review of Agricultural Economics 30(4), 559-562.
Beckmann, V. (2001): The Role of Livestock in Agricultural Development. Theoretical Approaches and their Application to the Case of Sri Lanka. Regina Birner. Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 40, 394-396.
Beckmann, V. (2000): Networking the Farm. The Social Structure of Co-operation and Competition in Iowa Agriculture. Randy Ziegendorn. European Review of Agricultural Economics 27, 105-107.
Forschungsberichte und Arbeitspapiere / research reports and working papers
Beckmann, V.; Soregaroli, C. & Wesseler, J. (2009): Ex-Ante Regulation and Ex-Post Liability under Uncertainty and Irreversibility. Governing the Coexistence of GM crops. Economics Discussion Papers, No 2009-53.
Beckmann, V.; Irawan, E. & Wesseler, J. (2009): The Effect of Farm Labor Organization on IPM Adoption. Empirical Evidence from Thailand. ICAR Discussion Paper 21/2009. Humboldt University Berlin.
Daedlow, K.; Arlinghaus, R. & Beckmann, V. (2007): Institutional Change and Stability in East German Recreational Fisheries Management after the Wall Came Down in 1989. ADAPTFISH Working Paper. Humboldt University Berlin.
Daedlow, K.; Arlinghaus, R. & Beckmann, V. (2007): Collective Choice on Different Spatial Levels and over Time to Analyze Adaptation and Sustainability of Common Pool Resource Management in German Recreational Fisheries. ADAPTFISH Working Paper. Humboldt University Berlin.
Eggers, J.; Beckmann, V.; Mettepenningen, E.; Ehlers, M.-H.; Hurrelmann, A.; Kunz, A. & Hagedorn, K. (2007): Analysing Institutional Arrangements for Agri-Environmental Schemes in Europe: ITAES WP4 Final Report. Humboldt University Berlin.
Hurrelmann, A.; Murray, C. & Beckmann, V. (2006): Social Capital and Leadership: Rural Cooperation in Central and Eastern Europe. IDARI Working Paper. Humboldt University Berlin.
Murray, C.; Beckmann, V. & Hurrelmann, A. (2006): The Governance of Cooperation – Policy Implications for Rural Central and Eastern Europe. IDARI Working Paper. Humboldt University Berlin.
Beckmann, V.; Soregaroli, C. & Wesseler, J. (2006): Governing the Coexistence of GM Crops: Ex-Ante Regulation and Ex-Post Liability under Uncertainty and Irreversibility. ICAR Discussion Paper 12/2006. Humboldt University Berlin.
Banaszak, I. & Beckmann, V. (2006): Compliance with Rules and Sanctioning in Producer Groups in Poland. IDARI Working Paper. Humboldt University Berlin.
Banaszak, I. & Beckmann, V. (2006): The Role of Leadership in the Process of Establishing and Sustaining Cooperation. IDARI Working Paper. Humboldt University Berlin.
Nitsch, H.; Osterburg, B.; Lütteken, A. & Beckmann, V. (2005): Inventory of Institutional Arrangements of Agro-environmental Schemes in Europe. ITAES Report. Humboldt University Berlin.
Rauchenecker, K. & Beckmann, V. (2005): Jagdgenossenschaften und Wildtiermanagement. Zur Rolle der Zwangsmitgliedschaft. ICAR Discussion Paper 11/2005, Humboldt University Berlin.
Beckmann, V. & Wesseler, J. (2005): Spatial Dimensions of Externalities and the Coase Theorem. Implications for the Co-existence of Transgenetic Crops. Mansholt Working Paper No. 20, Mansholt Graduate School. Wageningen University.
Tiemann, S.; Beckmann, V.; Reuter, K. & Hagedorn, K. (2004): Kosten der Erreichung von Umweltqualitätszielen in ausgewählten Regionen durch Umstellung auf Ökologischen Landbau im Vergleich zu anderen Agrarumweltprogrammen unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Administrations- und Kontrollkosten. Final Report to the Bundesprogramm Ökologischer Landbau. Humboldt University Berlin.
Murray, C. & Beckmann, V. (2004): Social Capital, Governance and Rural Institutional Innovation – An Elaboration of Concepts. IDARI Discussion Paper. Humboldt University Berlin.
Hurrelmann, A.; Beckmann, V.; Lütteken, A.; Große, N. & Raupach, V. (2004): German Case Study Report: Brandenburg. ITAES Discussion Paper. Humboldt University Berlin.
Lütteken, A.; Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (2004): Institutional Arrangements: Guidelines to Collect Relevant Information in the Case Study Report, ITAES Discussion Paper. Humboldt University Berlin.
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (2002): Komparative Analyse der Transformation in den Agrarsektoren ausgewählter Staaten Mittel- und Osteuropas. Final Report to the Volkswagen-Stiftung. Humboldt University Berlin.
Konferenzbeiträge / conference papers
Beckmann, V. (2010): Analysing Institutions. What method to apply? Paper presented at the workshop “Qualitative Agricultural Economics”, 6 September, Hannover, Germany.
Beckmann, V.; Soregaroli, C. & Wesseler, J. (2010): Coexistence of genetically modified (GM), conventional and organic crops: Are the two main property rights regimes symmetric? Paper presented at the 14th ICABR Conference, June 16-18, 2010, Ravello, Italy and at the 14th Annual Conference of the International Society for New Institutional Economics, 17 – 19 June 2010, Stirling, Scotland.
Banaszak, I. & Beckmann, V. (2009): New Modes of Governance of Cooperative Arrangements in Agricultural Markets: The Case of Polish Producer Groups. Paper presented at the 3th Annual Conference of The International Society for New Institutional Economics at the University of California at Berkeley, Walter A. Haas School of Business, USA, June 18-20, 2009.
Consmüller, N.; Beckmann, V. & Petrick, M. (2009): The Adoption of Bt-Maize in Germany. An Econometric Analysis. Paper presented at the German Association of Agricultural Economists (GEWISOLA), 49th Annual Conference, Kiel, Germany, September 30-October 2, 2009.
Irawan, E.; Beckmann, V. & Wesseler, J. (2008): Transaction Costs Analysis of Hired Labor Use in Pest Management: The Empirical Study of Fruit Trees Farming in Thailand. Paper presented at the International Conference “Greening Asian Growth: Economic Transition and Sustainable Agricultural Development in East and Southeast Asia”, October, 29-30, 2008, Nanjing, China.
Banaszak, I. & Beckmann, V. (2008): New Modes of Governance of Cooperative Arrangements in Agricultural Markets: The Case of Polish Producer Groups. Paper presented at the International Conference “Greening Asian Growth: Economic Transition and Sustainable Agricultural Development in East and Southeast Asia”, October, 29-30, 2008, Nanjing, China.
Consmüller, N.; Beckmann, V. & Schleyer, C. (2008): Public Policy and Farm-level Strategies for Coexistence in Germany: A Case Study of Bt-maize in Brandenburg. Paper presented at the International Congress of the European Agricultural Economics Association (EAAE), August 26-29, 2008, Ghent, Belgium.
Consmüller, N.; Beckmann, V. & Schleyer, C. (2008): The Role of Coordination and Cooperation for Bt-maize cultivation in Brandenburg, Germany. Paper presented at the International Congress of the European Agricultural Economics Association (EAAE), August 26-29, 2008, Ghent, Belgium.
Mettepenningen, E.; Beckmann, V. & Eggers, J. (2008): Public Transaction Cost of Agri-environmental Schemes and its Determinants: Analysing Stakeholders Involvement and Perceptions. Paper presented at the International Congress of the European Agricultural Economics Association (EAAE), August 26-29, 2008, Ghent, Belgium.
Tan, R.; Beckmann, V. & Qu, F. (2008): Applying Transaction Cost Economics to Farmland Conversion for Urban Development: A Conceptual Framework. Paper presented at the International Conference “Impact Assessment of Land Use Change”, April 6-9, 2008, Berlin, Germany; and at the International Conference “Greening Asian Growth: Economic Transition and Sustainable Agricultural Development in East and Southeast Asia”, October, 29-30, 2008, Nanjing, China.
Tan, R.; Beckmann, V.; van den Berg, L. & Qu, F. (2008): Governing Farmland Conversion. Comparing China with the Netherlands and Germany. Poster paper presented at the International Conference “Impact Assessment of Land Use Change”, April 6-9, 2008, Berlin, Germany.
Daedlow, K.; Beckmann, V. & Arlinghaus, R. (2008): The Importance of Institutional Economics to Understand Governance, Adaptation, and Resilience in Renewable Resource Management: An Analytical Framework Exemplified by Recreational Fisheries. Paper presented at the Berlin Conference on the Human Dimensions of Global Environmental Change, February 22-23, Berlin, Germany.
Tan, R.; Beckmann, V. & van den Berg, L. (2007): Economic Growth and the Governance of Farmland Conversion - Comparing China with the Netherlands and Germany. International Conference on “Sustaining Growth? Economic Transition and Natural Resource Management in East and Southeast Asia”, June 21-22, 2007, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, sponsored by Wageningen University, Humboldt University of Berlin and Economic University of Ho Chi Minh City.
Irawan, E.; Beckmann, V. & Wesseler, J. (2007): A Comparative Analysis of Farm Labor Organization and IPM Adoption: An empirical study of fruit trees farming in Thailand. International Conference on “Sustaining Growth? Economic Transition and Natural Resource Management in East and Southeast Asia”, June 21-22, 2007, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, sponsored by Wageningen University, Humboldt University of Berlin and Economic University of Ho Chi Minh City.
Beckmann, V.; Soregaroli, C. & Wesseler, J. (2006): Governing the Coexistence of GM Crops: Ex-Ante Regulation and Ex-Post Liability under Uncertainty and Irreversibility. Paper presented at the 16th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (EAERE), June 25-28, 2008, Gothenburg, Sweden.
Beckmann, V.; Irawan, E. & Wesseler, J. (2006): The Effect of Farm Labor Organization on IPM Adoption. Paper presented at the 96th EAAE-Seminar on „Causes and Impacts of Agricultural Structures“, January 2006, Taenikon, Switzerland.
Beckmann, V.; Soregaroli, C. & Wesseler, J. (2006): Governing the Coexistence of GM Crops: Ex-Ante Regulation and Ex-Post Liability under Uncertainty and Irreversibility. Paper presented at the Third Word Congress of Environmental and Resource Economists, July 3-7, 2006, Kyoto, Japan.
Beckmann, V.; Irawan, E. & Wesseler, J. (2006): The Effect of Farm Labor Organization on IPM Adoption: Empirical Evidence from Thailand. Paper presented at the 26th Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE), August 12-18, 2006, Gold Coast (Australia).
Beckmann, V. & Padmanabhan, M. (2005): Analysing Institutions. What Methods to Apply? Paper presented at the 9th Annual Conference on the International Society for New Institutional Economics “Institutions and Market Exchange”, September 22-24 2005, Barcelona, Spain.
Beckmann, V.; Irawan, E. & Wesseler, J. (2005): Does Farm Labor Organization Affect IPM Adoption? Poster paper presented at the Deutscher Tropentag, October 11-13, 2005, Stuttgart-Hohenheim, Germany.
Beckmann, V. & Wesseler, J. (2005): Spatial Dimensions of Externalities and the Coase Theorem. Implications for the Co-existence of Transgenetic Crops. Paper presented at Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economists Association (AAEA), July 24-27, 2005, Providence, RI, USA.
Tiemann, S.; Beckmann, V.; Reuter, K. & Hagedorn, K. (2005): Ist der Ökologische Landbau ein transaktionskosteneffizientes Instrument zur Erreichung von Umweltqualitätszielen? Paper presented at the 8th Scientific Conference Organic Farming, March 1-4, 2005, Kassel, Germany.
Lütteken, A. & Beckmann, V. (2004): Integrated Tools to Design and Implement Agro Environmental Schemes (ITAES). Poster presented at the 44th GEWISOLA Annual Meeting, September 27 – 29, 2004, Berlin, Germany.
Nitsch, H.; Osterburg, B.; Lütteken, A. & Beckmann, V. (2004): National Inventory of AES Institutional Settings in Europe. Presentation at the 3rd ITAES Meeting, October 26 – 27, 2004, Rennes, France.
Lütteken, A.; Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (2004): Synoptic Presentation of Institutional Settings of Agro-Environmental Schemes. Presentation at the 2nd ITAES Meeting, June 24 – 26, 2004, Potsdam, Germany.
Hagedorn, K.; Lütteken, A. & Beckmann, V. (2004): Analysis of Institutional Arrangements of Agro-Environmental Schemes. Presentation at the 1st ITAES Meeting, Februray 5 – 7, 2004, Bologna, Italy.
Beckmann, V.; Murray, C. & Hagedorn, K. (2004): Social Capital, Governance and Rural Institutional Innovations. The Research Agenda. Presentation at the 2nd IDARI Workshop, June 8 – 11, 2004, Prague, Czech Republic.
Beckmann, V. (2004): Kommentar zum Referat von Dr. Peter-H. Feindt. Arbeitsgemeinschaft „Menschenbilder und Verhaltensmodelle in der wissenschaftlichen Politikberatung“ am Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung, November 4 5, 2004, Bielefeld, Germany.
Beckmann, V. (2004): Institutionelle Aspekte der ökologischen Lebensmittelproduktion. Paper presented at the 4th European Summer Academy Ecological Farming, June 30 – July 2, 2004, Lednice, Czech Republic.
Beckmann, V. (2003): Governing Co-existence: A Case for Coase? Paper presented at the FONTIS Workshop on “Environmental Costs and Benefits of Transgenetic Crops in Europe”, June 1-4, 2003, Wageningen, Netherlands.
Tiemann, S.; Beckmann, V. & Reuter, K. (2003): Kosten der Erreichung von Umweltqualitätszielen in ausgewählten Regionen durch Umstellung auf Ökologischen Landbau im Vergleich zu anderen Agrarumweltprogrammen. Paper presented at the Symposium „System Ökolandbau – Netzwerke, Umweltleistung und Kosten. Institutionen und Transaktionskosten des Ökolandbaus“, November 21, 2003, Berlin, Germany.
Beckmann, V. & Boger, S. (2002): Contract Enforcement in Transition Agriculture – Theory and Evidence from Poland. Paper presented at the Second Annual Workshop “Economics of Contracts in Agriculture”, July 21-23, 2002, Annapolis, Maryland, USA,; at the 5th Annual Conference of the International Society for New Institutional Economics (ISNIE) on “Institutions and Economic Performance”, September 27-29, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.; at the Annual Meeting of the American Agricultural Economics Association, July 27-30, 2003, Montreal, Canada, at the 25th International Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists, August 16-22, 2003, Durban, South-Africa; and at the Annual Conference of the Verein für Socialpolitik, September 30 - October 3, 2003, Zürich, Switzerland.
Beckmann, V. (2002): Transaction Cost and Environmental Economics: Notes on an Unfinished Research Agenda. Paper presented at the Mansholdt Seminar, November 27, 2002, Wageningen University, Wageningen.
Beckmann, V. (2002): Transaction Cost and Environmental Economics. Towards a New Approach. Paper presented at the Mini-Conference und TransCoop Meeting between Humboldt University Berlin and Indiana University at Bloomington, December 13-16, 2002, Bloomington, Indiana, U.S.A..
Beckmann, V. & Boger, S. (2001): Investments, Contractual Safeguards, and Prices in Evolving Markets. The Case of Hog Transactions in Poland. Paper presented at the 78th EAAE Seminar on “Economics of Contracts in Agriculture and the Food Supply Chain”, June 15-16, 2001, Copenhagen, Denmark and at the „Institutional Analysis Workshop”, Haas School of Business, University of California at Berkeley, February 7, 2002.
Beckmann, V.; Hanisch, M.; Brem, M. & Boger, S. (2001): In Search of the Market: Lessons from Analyzing Transition in Central and Eastern European Agriculture. Paper presented at the 5th Annual Conference of the International Society for New Institutional Economics (ISNIE) „Institutions and Governance“, September 13-15, 2001 Berkeley, California, and at the 10th EAAE Congress “Exploring Diversity in the European Agri-Food System”, August 28-31, Zaragoza, Spain.
Beckmann, V. & Pavel, F. (2000): The Logic and Future of Subsistence Farming in Transition Economies: The Case of Bulgaria. Paper presented at the 70th EAAE Seminar “Problems and Prospects of Balkan Agriculture in a Restructuring Environment”, June 9-11, 2000, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Beckmann, V. & Kaneva, K. (2000): Agricultural Producers’ Co-operatives in Bulgaria: How do they Look, Behave and Perform? Paper presented at the 70th EAAE Seminar “Problems and Prospects of Balkan Agriculture in a Restructuring Environment”, June 9-11, 2000, Thessaloniki, Greece.
Beckmann, V. (1999): What Can Transaction Cost Economics Contribute to an Understanding of Restructuring During the Transition Process? Poster presented at the XIth EAAE Congress “European Agriculture Facing the 21st Century in a Global Context“, August 24 –28, 1999, Warsaw, Poland.
Beckmann, V. (1999): Comparative Analysis of the Process of Transition in the Agricultural Sector of Selected Central- and Eastern European Countries:? The KATO Research Project. Poster paper presented at the XIth EAAE Congress “European Agriculture Facing the 21st Century in a Global Context“, August 24-28, 1999, Warsaw, Poland.
Beckmann, V. (1999): Agricultural Co-operatives in Central and Eastern Europe. Paper presented at the ICA European Research Conference “Continuity, Transition and Renewal: New Trends in European Co-operation”, October 14-17, 1999, Weimar, Germany.
Beckmann, V. (1998): Can Transaction Cost Economics Contribute to an Understanding of the Transition Process? The Example of Agricultural Restructuring in Countries in Transition. Paper presented at the 58th EAAE Seminar “Nature, Evolution and Efficiency of Farm Structures in CEECs and FSU”, May 29 – 30, 1998, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Beckmann, V. & Hagedorn, K. (1997): The Roads of Agricultural De-collectivisation: The Case of Eastern Germany. Paper presented at the XXIIIth IAAE Conference, August 1997, Sacramento, U.S.A..
Beckmann, V. (1996): Transaction Costs and Institutional Choice in Agriculture The Example of Family vs. Hired Labour. Paper presented at the VIIIth. EAAE Congress, September 3-7, 1996, Edinburgh, Scotland.
Mitgliedschaften/ Herausgeberschaften
- Gesellschaft für Wirtschaft- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus (GeWiSoLa)
- European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE)
- International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE)
- American Agricultural Economics Association (AAEA)
- International Society of New Institutional Economics (ISNIE)
- American Economic Association (AEA)
- Verein für Socialpolitik (VfS)
- Schriftenreihe: „Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources-Institutioneller Wandel der Landwirtschaft und Ressourcennutzung“, Shaker Verlag, Aachen (ISSN 1617-4828), seit 2001 (zusammen mit Prof. Dr. Konrad Hagedorn)
- Diskussionspapiere „Institutional Change in Agriculture and Natural Resources (ICAR)“ (ISSN 1613-3455) (zusammen mit Prof. Dr. Konrad Hagedorn, seit 2003 Managing Editor)