Reintegration Process of Offenders

The prison population across Europe is largely made up of people who have been excluded rather than included, have poor formal educational qualifications, have few employment skills and have experienced long-term housing, family and addiction problems. Women and men leaving prison bring with them the effects of a custodial sentence and encounter suspicion, rejection and hostility as they make the transition from prison to society. For higher risk prisoners leaving custody these factors increases the risk of their return to crime and custody.
Website of the Justice Cooperation Network-Project
The project JCN Justice Cooperation Network, European treatment and Transition Management of High Risk Offenders, is funded by the European Commission in the framework of the Criminal Justice Programme.
The objective of the JCN project is to develop a European network on transition management of prisoners leaving custody, with a focus on high risk offenders.
Four reports and one summary are being developed in the JCN project framework:
“Common Understanding of Terms and Definitions on the topic of high risk offenders and transition management”.
English version - Deutsche Fassung - Suomenkielinen versio - Eestikeelne versioon
“Transnational Comparative Analysis of Transition Management Strategies”.
English version - Auszug in deutsch - Suomenkielinen ote - Eestikeelne kokkuvõte
“Best Practice Strategies and Programmes for dealing with high risk offenders and for the desired continuity of treatment as well as for transition management”.
English version
“Development of minimum standards and best practice model"
The mentioned reports are being developed in the framework of transnational workshops and the final conference that are being organized. The information on the results of each of this workshops is also available.
1st Workshop “Working out the Common Basis”, Tallinn, Estonia, 13 – 16 March 2013
2nd Workshop “Comparative Analysis of Transition Management Practices”, Dublin, Ireland, 12 – 15 June 2013
3rd Workshop “Best Practice in Transition Management”, Helsinki, Finland, 30 October – 2 November 2013
4th Workshop “Management of High Risk Offenders”, Schwerin, Germany, 2 – 5 April 2014
Final conference “Transition management of High Risk Offenders from a European perspective: Modules and Minimum Standards”, Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, Germany, 3 – 5 September 2014
The reports, model and summary of the conference are developed by the project partners in the framework of transnational workshops that are organized in different European countries.