Dr. Regina Neudert
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin
Soldmannstraße 15
17489 Greifswald
Telefon +49 3834 420 4143
Telefax +49 3834 420 4107
• Naturschutzprobleme in post-sozialistischen Ländern
• Ökonomie von landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben/Haushalten
• Institutioneller Wandel
• Verfügungsrechte
Aktuelle Projekte
BiodiWert II: Concepts for the restoration of species-rich grassland in Germany (Grassworks-2) - Production and Institutional Economics (2021-2024)
Abgeschlossene Projekte
- Conflicts and Collective Action on Common Village Pastures – Comparative Case Studies in Azerbaijan and Georgia (Co4) (Volkswagen Foundation/Germany) (2015-2019)
- Proper Utilisation of Grasslands in Azerbaijan's Steppe and Mountains – An Ecological and Socio-Economic Assessment to Avoid Overgrazing and to Ensure Sustainable Rural Development. (PUGASMAOS)
Beruflicher Werdegang
seit 03/2015 | Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Universität Greifswald, Lehrstuhl AVWL und Landschaftsökonomie |
Projekt: „Collective Action and Conflict on Common Village Pastures in Azerbaijan and Georgia“, www.rsf.uni-greifswald.de/beckmann/forschung/co4.html | |
seit 03/2011 | Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der BTU Cottbus, Lehrstuhl für Volkswirtschaftslehre und Umweltökonomie |
Projekt: „Sustainable Land Management in Madagascar“, www.sulama.de | |
01/2007-12/2010 | Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin an der Universität Greifswald, Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Volkswirtschaftslehre und Landschaftsökonomie |
Projekt: Proper Utilisation of Grasslands in Azerbaijan's Steppe and Mountains - An Ecological and Socio-Ecomonic Assessment to Avoid Overgrazing and to Ensure Sustainable Rural Development (PUGASMAOS), www.duene-greifswald.de/de/projekte.php_pugasmaos.php | |
2006 | Wissenschaftliche Hilfskraft an der Universität Greifswald, Lehrstuhl für Allgemeine Volkswirtschaftslehre und Landschaftsökonomie, |
Tätigkeiten: Vorbereitung eines Forschungsantrages | |
10/2000-12/2005 | Studium der Diplom-Landschaftsökologie an der Universität Greifswald |
Hauptfach: Landschaftsökonomie | |
Nebenfach: Vegetationsökologie | |
Thema der Diplomarbeit: “Die ökonomische Analyse von Nutzungsformen der Walnuss-Wildobst-Wälder Süd-Kirgistans“ in Zusammenarbeit mit S. Köppen | |
07/2000 | Abitur am Ernst-Moritz-Arndt Gymnasium Bergen/Rügen |
Neudert, R., S. Kleine, G. Schlingermann, A. Nordt, B. Spanjers, S. Wichmann, V. Beckmann (2024): Paludikultur – nasse Moore nutzen. Ein Überblick über 25 Jahre Forschung und Entwicklung in Deutschland. Ländliche Räume. Schwerpunktheft 3/24, S. 62-64. https://www.asg-goe.de/pdf/LR324.pdf
Sietz, D., & Neudert, R. (2022). Taking stock of and advancing knowledge on interaction archetypes at the nexus between land, biodiversity, food and climate. Environmental Research Letters, 17(11), 113004.
Piemontese, L., Neudert, R., Oberlack, C., Pedde, S., Roggero, M., Buchadas, A., Martin, D. A., Orozco, R., Pellowe, K., & Segnon, A. C. (2022). Validity and validation in archetype analysis: practical assessment framework and guidelines. Environmental Research Letters, 17(2), 025010.
Neudert, R., Hecker, L. P., Randrianarison, H., & Kobbe, S. (2021). Are smallholders disadvantaged by ‘double sell low, buy high’ dynamics on rural markets in Madagascar? Development Southern Africa, 38(2), 208-229. https://doi.org/10.1080/0376835X.2020.1818550
Neudert, R. (2021). Combating Pasture Degradation in Central Asia and the Caucasus—A Review of Approaches. In V. Beckmann (Ed.), Transitioning to Sustainable Life on Land (pp. 231-273). MDPI.
Neudert, R., Allahverdiyeva, N., Mammadov, N., Didebulidze, A., & Beckmann, V. (2020). Diversification of Livestock-Keeping Smallholders in Mountainous Rural Regions of Azerbaijan and Georgia Land, 9(8), 267.
Neudert, R., Hecker, L. P., Randrianarison, H., & Kobbe, S. (2020). Are smallholders disadvantaged by ‘double sell low, buy high’ dynamics on rural markets in Madagascar? Development Southern Africa, 1-22. https://doi.org/10.1080/0376835X.2020.1818550
Neudert, R., Theesfeld, I., Didebulidze, A., Allahverdiyeva, N., & Beckmann, V. (2020). Understanding Causes of Conflict Over Common Village Pastures – A Comparative Analysis of Property Rights in Azerbaijan and Georgia. Society & Natural Resources, 1-21. https://doi.org/10.1080/08941920.2019.1704329
Salzer, A. K., Neudert, R., & Beckmann, V. (2020). Potentials and constraints of common pasture use – Field experiments on common pool resource management International Journal of the Commons, 14(1), 225–244.
Neudert, R., A. Salzer, N. Allahverdiyeva, J. Etzold, and V. Beckmann. (2019). Archetypes of common village pasture problems in the South Caucasus: insights from comparative case studies in Georgia and Azerbaijan. Ecology and Society 24(3):5. https://doi.org/10.5751/ES-10921-240305
de Leeuw, J., Rizayeva, A., Namazov, E., Bayramov, E., Marshall, M. T., Etzold, J., & Neudert, R. (2019). Application of the MODIS MOD 17 Net Primary Production product in grassland carrying capacity assessment. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 78, 66-76. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0303243418302617
Neudert, R., Olschofsky, K., Kübler, D., Prill, L., Köhl, M. & F. Wätzold (2018). Opportunity costs of conserving a dry tropical forest under REDD+: The case of the spiny dry forest in southwestern Madagascar. Forest Policy and Economics 95 (2018) 102-114.
Neudert, R., A. Didebulidze & V. Beckmann (2017). Multiple stakeholders, cooperation and conflict in common pasture resources - Comparative analysis of proberty rights in Azerbaijan and Georgia. XVI Biennial IASC-Conference, 10-14 July 2017, Utrecht, Netherlands. Online: https://www.iasc2017.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/8B_Neudert-et-al.pdf
Neudert, R., J. Ganzhorn & F. Wätzold (2017). Global benefits and local costs - The dilemma of tropical forest conservation: A review of the situation in Madagascar. Environmental Conservation 44(1): 82-96.
Götter, J. & R. Neudert (2016). New rules are not rules: Privatization of pastoral commons and local attempts at curtailment in southwest Madagascar. International Journal of the Commons 10(2): 617-641. Online: https://www.thecommonsjournal.org/articles/10.18352/Ijc.743/
Salzer, A., N. Allahverdiyeva & R. Neudert (2016). Knowledge generation and learning in an interdisciplinary multinational research project - Experiences from Co4 project. International cooperation for improving agricultural sciences, food security and environmental protection, Ganja, Ministry of Agriculture Azerbaijan, Executive Power of Ganja city, Azerbaijan State Agricultural University, Ganja.
Feldt, T., R. Neudert, P. Fust & E. Schlecht (2016). Reproductive and economic performance of local livestock in southwestern Madagascar: Potentials and constraints of a highly extensive system. Agricultural Systems 149: 54-64.
Neudert, R. (2015). Is individualized rangeland lease institutionally incompatible with mobile pastoralism? – A case study from post-socialist Azerbaijan. Human Ecology 43(6):785-798.
Neudert, R., J. Goetter, J. Andriamparany & M. Rakotoarisoa (2015). Income diversification, wealth, education and well-being in rural south-western Madagascar: Results from the Mahafaly Region. Development Southern Africa 32(2):758-784.
Neudert, R., M. Rühs & V. Beckmann (2015). Implementation of Pasture Leasing Rights for Mobile Pastoralists – A Case Study on Institutional Change during Post-socialist Reforms in Azerbaijan. International Journal of the Commons 9(2):648-669.
Etzod, J., T. Gasimzade, A. Hasanova, R. Neudert, M. Rühs, G.S. Mammadov (2015). Monitoring Manual for Winter Pastures in the Transcaucasus in Azerbaijan, "Letterpress" MMC, Baku.
Neudert, R., J. Etzold, F. Münzner, M. Manthey & S. Busse (2013). The Opportunity Costs of Conserving Pasture Resources for Mobile Pastoralists in the Greater Caucasus. Landscape Research: 38(4):499-522.
Etzold, J. & R. Neudert (2013). Monitoring Manual for Summer Pastures in the Greater Caucasus in Azerbaijan. GTZ Working Paper - Sustainable Management of Biodiversity, South Caucasus: 1-63.
Neudert, R. & M. Rühs (2013). The Race for Leasing Rights – Pasture access and institutional change during post-socialist reforms in Azerbaijan. ICAR Discussion Papers, Humboldt University, Berlin.
Neudert, R. & M. Rühs (2011). Nutzungsrechte für Weideland und ihre praktische Umsetzung in Aserbaidschan. Aserbaidschan - 20 Jahre der Transformation in der Landwirtschaft: 24-34.
Allahverdiyeva, N., & R. Neudert (2011). Profitability of transhumance farms and improvement possibilities by cooperation. In: Ganja: Azerbaijan State Agriculture University. ASAU, ed. Pp. 32-33. Ganja: ASAU.
Neudert, R. & N. Allahverdiyeva (2009). The economic performance of transhumant sheep farming in Azerbaijan and prospects for its future development. South Caucasian Annals of Agrarian Science 7(4): 153-157.
Neudert, R. & N. Allahverdiyeva (2009) Within the Bounds of Economic and Ecological Possibilities - Prospects for Pastoralism in Azerbaijan. Tropentag Hamburg, Tropentag
Neudert, R. & S. Köppen (2005). Die ökonomische Analyse von Nutzungsformen der Walnuss-Wildobst-Wälder Süd-Kirgistans. Institut für Botanik und Landschaftsökologie. Greifswald, Ernst-Moritz-Arndt Universitaet Greifswald. Diplom: 211.