Lehrstuhl für ABWL und Gesundheitsmanagement

Scratching industrial policies in times of pandemics to recover health systems and the economy. Lessons learned from Germany and Brazil.

Health is a basic need, and its vulnerability impacts the economy. During the coronavirus pandemic, the lack of essential medications and hospital supplies threatened the stability of countries when faced with dependence on the Asian market. The resurgence of infectious diseases has made it clear how much the pharmaceutical industry is a strategic development factor and an essential component for the health security of many countries. 

The Economic and Industrial Health Complex (Complexo Econômico e Industrial da Saúde – CEIS) complex, created in 2003, in Brazil, stated that health may be the driver to other sectors of economy. The present research will apply the CEIS's methodology for the first time to map the health complex and the policies for this complex in both Germany and Brazil. In CEIS’ systemic approach, the public health systems is an ecosystem that integrates its productive, material and knowledge base.

The research will provide a comparative assessment of policies to encourage the production of essential health supplies in Germany and Brazil based on the "National Industrial Strategy 2030: Strategic guidelines for a German and European industrial policy". Furthermore, the project evaluates the synergy potential between both countries to reach the following goals: 

  1. Increase the capacity to withstand global competition in all the above areas.
  2. Maintain the focus on re-industrialization.
  3. Maintain and preserve the links in the production chain.
  4. Strengthen the catching-up process to reverse industrial dominance trends loss in areas where scientific-technological competence exists.

Contact person: Juliana Aliberti Ortiz